
Lucian stared at his phone screen. "Lucian, we have a problem, Uriel. Uriel is going to wake Gadrial. He needs to be stopped."

Lucian cursed. "What was that fucker up to?"

Lucian was at the club Children of the Damned, and he was readying his performance. He had to get the brotherhood together so they could start planning for Gadrial's awakening.


Lucian looked up from the stage where he was busy checking the speakers. Levithan and Bezel were approaching him. Lucian's face fell. "Yeah? What's up?"

Leviathan rolled his eyes, and Bezel folded his arms. "You left us in a predicament when you decided to save the mortal girl."

Lucian rolled his eyes and plugged his guitar in. "So you wanted me to leave our key in the war to die. Was that it?"

"We aren't saying you had to let her die! We are just saying maybe do something the mortal way before going supernatural on the humans."

Lucian sighed. They always had this argument, but what was he to do? His fucking soulmate was dying on the street, and he had to act. "I will remember that, thank you."

Bezel took a step forward. "You keep saying that! What about next time?"

Lucian turned towards them. He spread his wings, and they took a step back. "There won't be a next time she is on her final cycle of reincarnation. And who are you two to speak to me like that?!"

Leviathan pushed Bezel to the front. "We are sorry. . .it is just each time we have to clean up after you."

Lucian tried to calm down. His black wings quaked in anger still. "I am your leader in the brotherhood, and you will still kneel to me."

Bezel and Leviathan moved down to their knees and bowed their heads. "We are here to serve you, Lucian."

Lucian folded his wings backwards. "Now assemble the brotherhood. We have to start planning. . .this might be our final battle in the wars of heaven."

They only nodded at his feet. "By your leave."

Lucian gave them a nod. They stood up and left Lucian to inspect his stage. Lucian would have to start planning, and this business with Uriel will only cause problems.

Lucian's stage was set up. He took out his phone and texted Gabriel.

"Come to the meeting at Children of the Damned. I have sent a message to call the brotherhood so that we can talk about Uriel and how we will enter our last battle."

Lucian's phone beeped. "I am on my way."

Lucian took the microphone in his hand. "My fellow children of the fallen, how are you!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and chanted his name.

"That is great! Well, I have some news! The Angel of War's awakening is fast approaching, and then we will be in the last war of our lives."

The crowd went quiet at his words. Yeah. . . none of them wanted to be reminded that there was a battle to come.

"But enough of the talk of war! Let us drink, have sex and listen to rock and roll!"

The crowd jumped from their seats and slammed their glasses on the table; Lucian strung his guitar. "Are you ready?!"

The crowd got more lively and started chanting. Lucian strung his guitar faster. "We are on a highway to hell!!!"

Lucian's voice echoed through the club, and the crowd was singing along; he did not stop playing. The music was the only thing that ever kept him sane.

Lucian's thoughts travelled to when Gadrial saw him singing for the first time, and that moment when he looked into her eyes, he saw acceptance.

Lucian sang his heart out; he was out of breath and turned his face from the mic. He took a swig of brandy, and he heard the club go quiet, only the music was still playing.

Lucian put his glass down and looked in the direction where the crowd was looking - his eyes widened. "Moloch?" His voice was inaudible.

Moloch entered the club and dragged the bouncer in with him. The club went quiet at the sight of him. . .and he grinned, showing off his white teeth.

Moloch walked forward and dropped the bouncer, who was bleeding badly. "Do not stop on my account."

The eyes of the crowd followed Moloch's movement, and those who were in his path moved to the side. Lucian jumped from the stage after putting his guitar down.

Lucian stomped towards Moloch. "You are not welcomed here!"

Moloch paused and placed his finger on his chin. "Is that a way to great your old friend, Lucian?"

Lucian grabbed Moloch in front of his shirt. "Old friend, you say?! Not a fucking chance, Moloch."

Moloch placed his hand over Lucian's. "Temper, temper. You will get a heart attack."

Lucian's blood was pumping, and his anger was busy boiling over. "Fuck you, Moloch!"

Moloch was enjoying this. He loved to get people riled up. "I know you'd love to, Lucian. I know you swing it both ways."

Lucian knew he shouldn't let Moloch get to him, but he wanted to fucking kill this bastard. It was because of Moloch that Gadrial was reincarnating. "You don't seem the type to get some cock Moloch, so enough of these pleasantries."

Lucian drew his left hand back and punched Moloch square in the jaw. Moloch fell backwards into a table.

Moloch chuckled and wiped his mouth. "Wouldn't you love to know who I take to my bed?"

Lucian took a step forward. "Why are you here?!"

Moloch grinned at him. His eyes widened with excitement. "I am here for the brotherhood meeting, my dear Lucian."

Lucian hesitated and surveyed Moloch with a scowl. "You are what?"

Moloch walked forward. "Oh? You don't know, do you?"

Moloch turned in a full circle with his hands in the air. "You never asked who your leader was?"

Lucian was confused. . .he was the leader of the brotherhood. Something is clearly not right here.

Moloch stopped and glared at Lucian. "I am Azazel, the leader of the brotherhood."

Gabriel entered the club at that moment, and his eyes darted to Moloch and then to Lucian. Azazel? Who the fuck is Azazel, and why is Moloch here?

Lucian was gobsmacked. "You mean to tell me you are . . . thee Azazel?"

Moloch sat down at the table. "In the flesh, my dear Lucian."

Gabriel moved through the crowd to Lucian. "Lucian, what the fuck is going on?"

Moloch smiled while Lucian turned to Gabriel. "Fuck me if I know."

Moloch called a waitress over. The crowd was still not moving. "I am here for the meeting - that you planned to have as the 'leader' of the brotherhood; it is my duty to be here."

Lucian's head was spinning. What the hell! No one has seen Moloch in hundreds of years, and 'all' of a sudden, he is here and claimed that he was the 'leader' of the brotherhood?

The waitress brought Moloch his drink; he gulped it down. "So when is the meeting?"