
Uriel's wings quivered . . . he hadn't moved since Christine screamed, "I never want to see you again." He buttoned his jean.

He hadn't planned on his wings spreading, he was in the moment, and it made him happy. He was ecstatic that he finally could have become one with Gadrial, even if it was her mortal body.

The dining room still smelled like her, the scent of strawberries, and he bent down to pick up his shirt. What should he do now?

He fucked up the only chance he had with her or to make her trust him fully. He walked to the kitchen; the food he made for dinner was still on the stove. . . ice cold.

His wings were hanging like a burden on his back, 'Mortals did have it easy.' He took the pasta from the store and threw it in the dustbin.

He walked from the kitchen and stood in front of the painting. He painted it the day he had plunged his sword into her heart. His fingers slowly trailed Gadrial's face.

Uriel parted his lips, "Gadrial, I am so sorry that I have done this to you."

He tried to fold his wings back, but they didn't want to hide, and he could still feel her on him; his manhood was still erected.

He didn't know how long he stood there gazing at her face, but an idea came to mind. Yes, she would never talk to him again, but what if he could make her forget?

Uriel turned from the portrait and went to his bathroom. He opened the shower and climbed in the cold water that hit him like daggers. It might be a good thing that he was the voice of the Creator.

His thoughts dwelled on the Kingdom of Heaven - he felt uneasy . . . why did the Creator want to see him?

He knew that most Hierarchy Angels were tired of the Creator's 'creating', and he didn't blame them. He created and created - doing nothing about the situation in his kingdom.

He wanted war. War with hell had nothing to do with their lives, the lower levels - where most of the other angels lived were turned into rubble. . . He did not care.

He knocked at the door, "You wanted to see me, Creator."

"Ahh, Uriel! Come in."

Uriel opened the door further. He saw the Creator was sitting on the ground with two children - one was in his lap and the other at his feet playing with a sword. What was this? Angelic Children?

The Creator smiled. "I want you to meet, " he gestures to the child in his lap, "Gabriel, the Angel of healing, " he placed his hand on the child's head in front of him, "And this little one" - his voice full of love- "Gadrial, the Angel of War."

Uriel's eyes locked with the child's in front of the Creator. She stared back with curiousity - what struck him was her eyes. He couldn't look away from her eyes; it was so piercing that he felt his heart speeding up. What was happening to him?

The girl - Gadrial's face lit up - lifted her arms towards him. The Creator chuckled, "Uriel, she seems to like you."

Uriel was rooted to the spot. He couldn't calm his heart - should he walk forward? Gadrial was still holding her arms out towards him, and Uriel took a step forward and felt his heart hammering. He didn't tear his gaze away from her.

He stopped in front of her, and she looked up at him. "U'iel, up." He bent downwards and picked her up. She let out a giggle, " U'iel!" She wrapped her delicate small arms around his neck, and now he understood . . . what this feeling in his chest was. 'Gadrial, ' he said her name mentally to himself, over and over.

That was the moment Uriel realised that Gadrial was his soul mate, but they were above - mortal emotions. He was brought from his thoughts, "You can put her down now, Uriel."

He turned to the Creator, "Yes, of course." He bent to let her down, but she didn't want to let him go. " U'iel, want you to stay." He parted his lips, "I..."

The Creator answered instead, "Uriel doesn't have time to play with you, Gadrial. We have to start on your studies."

Gadrial pouted, and Uriel's heart constricted. He had to get out of here . . . this was wrong - he was in love with a child, this emotion was. . . new.

The Creator kept them from the other Hierarchy until they were fully-fledged Angels. There was a big celebration for their coming of fledgeling day.

It was held at the manor not far from the Creator's palace. The garden was full of roses. Uriel was waiting outside the gates for Michael; he had a small gift inside a box.

He knew Michael wasn't happy that Gadrial got the position, the position that he wanted so badly. They thought the Creator was joking by making a female angel - to govern their legions.

Michael came in to view. "Uriel."

"Michael, " he didn't know when Michael became so cold towards him after the two children were created; he changed.

"Ready to celebrate the brats' fledgeling day?"

Brats? Michael was showcasing jealousy towards innocent Angels. Uriel was worried about his state of mind. He had noticed that Michael was walking in Moloch's circle. "Don't be envious, Michael . . . it is above you."

Michael responded with an eye roll, the gates opened, and they walked in. Uriel's heart was hammering again in his chest. He hadn't seen Gadrial since the day the Creator introduced them. His eyes scanned the garden - not many angels came, or perhaps they weren't invited.

They got to the steps, and two cherubs opened the manor doors. When Uriel looked up, Gadrial was standing on the threshold. Michael left him standing there frozen.

Gadrial noticed him, and her face lit up. "U'iel?"

Uriel loved how she pronounced his name without the 'R' made him want to kiss her, and he took a step forward. "Gadrial, " he held the small box towards her, "Happy Fledgeling day."

Gadrial took the package from him, "Thank you, U'iel."

He had a faint blush on his cheeks. He had hoped that Gadrial would like his gift . . . there weren't a lot of things you could get for the Angel of war.

Gadrial opened the box; inside was a silver necklace with a silver sword; the hilt had a purple stone embedded into it, "U'iel, it is beautiful!"

Thank the Creator she liked the necklace, "Want me to help you put it on?"

She took it from the box, "Yes, please!" She turned her back to him and handed him the necklace - his hands were trembling slightly. He brushed her hair lightly from her neck and clasped the necklace.

Gadrial turned back towards him, "U'iel, this is the best gift ever, " She stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. This was the first time Uriel found out what an erection was.

Uriel was brought back from his thoughts. He hadn't thought about that day in many years. His wings disappeared from his back, the shower turned into icicles on his skin, and he climbed out.

He dried himself off, grabbed another towel, walked to his room and opened a drawer. Inside was the necklace he gave her so many aeons ago.

He picked it up, and he made his decision. He is the voice of the Creator; his word became his law. Uriel kissed the necklace and placed it back into the drawer. He opened his wardrobe and threw on some clothes.

He didn't need to dress for what he was about to do. He thought about what Gabriel said, 'You can not wake her! The mortal body should adjust before the immortal soul can enter.'

He knew what he was about to do would have repercussions, but Uriel had to, and he didn't want her to hate him. He was going to erase her memory to the point where they started out as acquaintances, and he would do it right this time.

It was a battle that got too personal for him . . . and this time; he would make sure that Lucian wouldn't corrupt her further.