
Lead us in the war to come? What is going on? This whole situation confused him - what was Moloch up to?

When did he miss the meeting that started? And how the fuck had Moloch become the leader? Not Moloch but Azazel; first rebel. Lucian couldn't lift his head . . . they were in deep shit.

Azazel strutted on the stage, spewing words that sounded like military garbage. The power that Lucian felt from Azazel was dangerous, reeking of blood and destruction.

His thoughts drifted to Gabriel - it seemed he didn't know about this either. His blood was boiling with anger; when did this start? How did they all miss this? Even the Hierarchy, who was the Creator's most loved Angels.

"So my brethren, we will surely win the war if Gadrial dies."

Lucian's heart stopped. Kill Gadrial? Was that what Moloch was after? No, he wouldn't let that happen if she died now... He couldn't think about that. . . he didn't tell the fallen that she couldn't reincarnate.

Lucian heard murmurs around him. They didn't believe Azazel. . . they thought she would awake and if she died - she would come back; all of this will start over.

Azazel looked over the crowd, "I don't hear any cheering. I said we will win this war if Gadrial dies."

There was still no reaction from the people around Lucian - he heard Azazel inhale, " Well, let me put it this way. Neither of us wants to see more of our brothers and sisters die on either side. Since this was a pointless war anyway."

  Lucian rolled his eyes. He had a point. . .

Azazel folded his wings back, lifting the spell from them; the whole club lifted their heads up. "So without further due," Azazel continued, "Gadrial has not been baptized. . . so if she dies, she can not come back."

His words got the attention of everyone. Lucian gasped. How did Azazel find out?

Azazel enjoyed the reaction he got from the club. "Yes! So if she dies before her awakening - we can win this war and take over heaven."

Lucian looked around as the club was filled with cheers. He locked eyes with Gabriel. . . there was fear in his eyes. He gave Gabriel a silent roll with his eyes that they had to get out of here; his brotherhood was compromised . . . he saw Gabriel's head nod slowly.

While Azazel was busy enjoying as he riled up the fallen, Lucian and Gabriel sneaked out. Outside in the alleyway, Gabriel let out a frustrated cry, "What the fuck?!"

Lucian leaned against the wall. "I have no fucking clue. Shit Gabriel, we are in deep shit!"

Gabriel was pacing, "You can say that again, but, " Gabriel looked at Lucian, "you wanted her to awaken - to turn her towards the fallen's side and then what?"

Lucian folded his arms. "If we won the war, I wanted to force the Creator to reincarnate us as mortals so we can live in peace."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. "You want to be mortal?"

Lucian nodded. "Yes, far away from Angels, demons and the Creator so we can live in peace and be who we are meant to be."

That was so selfish of him. He had this all planned out and never mentioned if that was what Gadrial wanted. So Uriel was correct something sinister was going on here. "You think he will grant your wish?"

Lucian stood upright from the wall. "I will make him. I think after years of endless battling, Gadrial would love peace."

Gabriel chuckled. "You know you are talking about the Angel of War . . . right?"

Lucian lifted an eyebrow, "That is what she wanted."

"Are you sure?" Gabriel stopped laughing and walked past Lucian, "In what lifetime did she tell you that? Aren't you sure you are confusing Gadrial with one of her mortal lives?"

Lucian watched Gabriel retreating back, "What do you mean? Of course, Gadrial told me when we were still in heaven."

Gabriel turned his head back, "My sister will never back away from war to live in peace."

"You are wrong!" Lucian screamed at him. "She was willing to leave everything behind because she said Michael was after her position anyway."

Gabriel kept walking. He didn't respond to Lucian's words. He was anxious, and he didn't like the feeling. Azazel appeared out of nowhere, Gadrial's mortal body not being baptized, Lucian remembering Gadrial telling him things she never would.

He spread his wings - this was troublesome . . . he didn't know who he could fully trust. He took the skies and headed for the apartment building Uriel stayed in. The only way Gadrial could be protected was to wake her up before the schedule.

Lucian clenched his hands in fists . . why couldn't Gabriel understand that all he and Gadrial ever wanted was to love freely? He damned himself to earth to follow her.

Lucian had to watch her die in the war - over and over again . . . he had to make her fall in love with him every time she reincarnated. 'Make?' He paused when that thought came to mind; did he really just think that?

He shook his head. N,o he loved her, and Lucian knew she loved him just as much. It was painful to fall in love with the mortal soul as well . . . before Gadrial took over completely - in the previous battle, Gadrial told him she was tired. He was so sure, but the next question would be; Azazel.

Lucian turned his head back to the club. He heard the cheering. "So it will be a full witch hunt on Gadrial."

He spread his wings. He would have to move his base and hope that the rest of the brotherhood Bezel and Levithan could find - would still be loyal to him and not follow Azazel.

He took to the skies. Gabriel gave him a few things to think bout - since he had met Gadrial in all of the lives; she lived and if he could remember who she really was.

The only thing he did know was; that he did love her and feared - if Lucian had asked the question in a different way . . . he wouldn't like the answer.

He saw the clouds gather - just like the time he fell to earth, thunder began to dance with the clouds in the sky. The clouds were black - Lucian cocked his head. . . this was no ordinary storm.

Gabriel landed on the roof of the apartment building, and he looked up into the sky. What is going on with this storm?

His eyes darted around. Wait. . . He remembered; that every time Uriel was adjusting someone's memories. . . the sky would blacken then his word became law.

He rushed through the door that led down to the apartments. "What the fuck is he doing? Did he want to get them all killed?"

Gabriel didn't stop running, and he went to the floor where he felt Uriel's presence the strongest - by luck, his eye caught Uriel coming out of an apartment. He ran to him, grabbing him in front of his shirt. "What the fuck did you do?!"

Uriel's face lit up with shock. "Ga . . . Gabriel?"

Gabriel gripped his shirt tighter. "I asked what the fuck did you do!"

Uriel's shock turned to anger, and he shoved Gabriel backwards. "It has nothing to do with you!"

Gabriel stumbled backwards, "It has everything to do with us!"

Uriel stared at Gabriel. "With us? You keep forgetting you never cared about Gadrial!"

Gabriel moved forward with his right hand lifted in a fist. "That storm out there is your doing! If you altered her memory, she could not come back right!"

Uriel dodged his incoming right hook, " And I am telling you that it has nothing to do with you!"

"You are selfish, Uriel!" Gabriel's blood was boiling, and his wings spread wide. Uriel didn't fawn at the sight of his wings.

"And what if I am?" Uriel's wings spread as well, "I am done standing back and let you or Lucian use her!"

Gabriel drew his sword out of thin air, and Uriel took a step back. "Gadrial is important in this war! And if you are not going to get with the program, I will kill you!"

Gabriel rushed forward, and Uriel drew his sword in time to block. "Gabriel, you are blinded by the words of the Bard!"

Gabriel kept on jabbing, and Uriel kept blocking, "Am I? You are caught in his net as well."

Uriel gritted his teeth, "What?"

Gabriel saw an opportunity and plunged his sword into Uriel's shoulder. "He made you choose our side, Uriel."

Uriel let out a scream.