
Gabriel didn't stop drinking, he wanted to forget his sorrows. He wondered what kept Lucian, he hadn't heard a peep from his cellphone. "Where the fuck was he?"

His eyes were getting droopy, yeah had too much to drink but he didn't care.


Gabriel turned around. "Lucian, why is there four of you?"

Lucian rolled his eyes and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. "You should really not drink by yourself."

Gabriel snorted, "I wouldn't have been by myself if you pitched up sooner. So where were you?"

Lucian didn't reply and placed his arm around him. "Let us get out of here."

He was swaying on his feet. "I am having to much fun to leave now." He was having fun, he hadn't drunk this much since... he couldn't remember.

Lucian adjusted his grip so he had Gabriel straighter. "Believe me, you do not want to be in the crossfire of the screech owl."

Gabriel started to laugh it was drawing attention to them now. "Screech-owl?"

Lucian started to walk to the exit. "Lower your voice, Gabriel."

"But I am not talking loudly!"

"Yes, you are. So let us get you home and cleaned up."

Gabriel hadn't answered him, Lucian cocked his head in Gabriel's direction and saw that the bastard fell asleep while walking. 'This is one lucky bastard.'

They left the bar, Lucian shook Gabriel lightly. "You high bastard where is your house?"

Gabriel felt his body shaking, was it an earthquake? His eyes fluttered open and he was leaning against Lucian. "Wha-"

"Awake now sleeping beauty? I am asking where your house is so we can leave this shit hole."

Gabriel inhaled a small breath, he hated this man but he smelled some kind of scent on him. "Why do you smell like-" he inhaled again, "Honey apple?"

Lucian didn't answer him. "Where is your house?"

Gabriel tried to lift his eyebrow but he started convulsing, Lucian pushed him to the side and he threw his guts out. "Ow, my head!"

"That will teach you to never drink alone in a bar again."

Gabriel couldn't answer as another round of convulsion took over his body. Yeah, he would swear never to do this again but who was he kidding?

Lucian patted his back. "Are you good?"

Gabriel nodded his head slowly, he brought his head back up but that was a mistake and the world started spinning. "Can you make the world stop?"

Lucian began to chuckle. "What? The goody-two-shoes can't keep his liquor down?"

"It is not funny, Lucian!"

Lucian was howling with laughter now if you would have told him that the high and mighty Angel of Healing would be a drunkard he would have flogged that person.

Gabriel gritted his teeth and stood with his arms spread wide and the world stopped spinning for a second. "Fine, I live in an apartment building four blocks from the hospital."

Lucian still had tears in his eyes which he was wiping with his sleeve. "Good answer, would you be able to fly?"

Gabriel snorted, "Of course I would be able to fly."

Lucian whistled. "I am just asking don't want you to get lost in a cloud somewhere."

Gabriel didn't have the strength to argue with Lucian, he spread his wings and took flight. 'Fucking bastard think this is funny.'

He looked back to see if Lucian was following him or not but in his vision he saw his great black wings keeping pace with him.

He wondered what the great Creator would have thought about them now? He was working with the rebel or not really the rebel but the guy Michael planned to take the fall for initiating the war between heaven and hell.

His head was throbbing when he looked up he saw they were near the hospital now and he began his descent to his apartment building.

He landed on the roof and a few seconds later Lucian landed next to him. "This looks cosy."

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "It is convenient and nothing more."

He walked past Lucian to the door that led down at least he didn't need to go far. He lived on the top floor so if he needed to escape he could do that on his own convenience.

He struggled to get his keys from his pocket and he felt Lucian breathing down his neck. He didn't even know why he was letting Lucian into his safe haven or so to say. "Can you like, take a step back?"

Lucian whispered next to his ear. "Am I intimidating you?"

Gabriel felt his breath tickling his ear and spread goosebumps down to his pinky toe. 'Fucking asshole.' He finally got his keys out and unlocked his door, he stepped over the threshold.

Lucian whistled as he stepped in after him. "Do you ever sleep here?"

Gabriel threw his keys down on the table that stood near the door. "I am a doctor so the answer is no."

His apartment was plain and there was nothing out of place, he was a semi-near freak. The walls were painted light blueish green with a few paintings of landscapes hanging on the walls.

It was a bachelor's apartment. He had one sofa, a coffee table and a bookshelf in the living room. There were a small kitchen and a door that led to his bedroom with a small connecting bathroom.

"You live in a fucking matchbox."

Gabriel didn't respond and walked to the kitchen to put the kettle on, he needed some caffeine in his system now.

Lucian followed him. "Oh come now, Gabriel."

"You are here on an invitation. I can easily revoke that right. So do your talking."

Lucian leaned against the door frame. "You will want to sit down."

'Great... More depressing news.' Gabriel took two cups down and added boiling water to the infant coffee. "Then I guess we should go to the living room."

Meanwhile at Lillith's Apple

Lillith opened her closet door and took out a red dress. She pulled it over her head and made space for her wings which she folded.

There was a knock at her door. "Lillith?"

She wasn't in the mood but she did call him, there was something strange going on in the fallen world and most angels forgot about him. The father of her children.

"Come in." She sat cross-legged on her bed and the door opened.

"You have called for me?"

"Yes, I have Samael." She wouldn't have called him if she didn't need information, he wasn't a fallen nor an archangel. He became neutral after he went after her when she left Adam.

He closed the door behind him. "You rarely call on me these days, darling."

She glared at him. "You know perfectly well that we had an agreement."

He smirked. "Yes, our agreement. I gave you children and you freed me from being the poison of the Creator."

Lillith stood up from her bed and in one stride she pinned him against the wall at his throat. "Do not forget it, Samael. I want you to dig in this business of the fallen."

He licked his lips. "Oo goody an assignment and here I thought you wanted to get your freak on. Or was fucking Lucian enough?"

She squeezed his throat. "Do not speak of him." He tapped the wall. "Good." She let him go and he slid to the floor.

"I want to know what is going to happen in this war. I can feel it in the air that something is out of order."

He rubbed his throat. "Any person you have in mind, to start with?"

She grinned. "What do you know about, Uriel?"

'Uriel?' He never met the soul but he has heard of the voice of God. "I know a little about him."

She started pacing. "Well, he was a neutral little thing, like you are now. But something made him a fallen."

Samael stood up from the ground. "I suspect that is all you got from your grapevine?"

She nodded. "Gadrial is nearing her surge but I feel there must be more in play than just her normal surge."

Samael played with his fingers. "I felt that too, the spirits were talking but I will see what I can find out for you."

Lillith turned her full attention to him. "I guess I shouldn't tell you to be discreet, do I?"

"You know you never have too. I will see what I can find out for you my dear wife."

He paused as he looked to his right one of Lillith's talons passed him and sat embed into the wall. "I am not your fucking wife!"

He shrugged. "You can deny it all you want but we are more connected than most mortals."

He opened the door and closed it quickly as Lillith's rage build up. He loved to provoke her but he will do this for her.

Samael left Lillith's Apple. "So now to find out where this Uriel lives." He left in the direction of the closest graveyard and that was always the best way to go for the dead had a lot of stories to tell.

Gabriel's Apartment

With coffee in hand, Gabriel and Lucian sat down on his couch. "So Lucian, let me guess. You want to talk about Gadrial and her surge?"

Lucian took a sip of coffee. "You hit the nail on the head. I came to a realisation that Gadrial should awaken before time."

Gabriel almost dropped his cup, 'Not this again.' He put the cup on his table. "We can not do this..."

Lucian took a big sip of his coffee. "It might be the only way to protect her from Azazel."

"How do you figure?"

Lucian let out a sigh. "Azazel called a witch hunt on her."

"He did what?"

"Yes, after you have left the fallen and demons flooded out of the club to hunt her head."

Gabriel picked up his coffee and drained it, there wasn't enough caffeine that could wake him from his drunken state for this revelation.