
Samael was not in the mood to fly to the graveyard. He was happy that he decided to stay neutral.

The Creator wasn't happy that he went after Lillith after she left Eden. The Creator wanted to kill her for insubordination to her duty as Adam's wife.

He wanted to see this beautiful being that defied her role and her Creator. So he followed her into the darkest abyss. She fought him because she thought he was sent to kill her like the Archangels before him but he wanted a deal.

So she gave him one; give me children and I'll free you from your Creator. He accepted for he wanted to be free, free from being the poison the Creator made him be.

He was tired of punishing sinners and what was sin anyway? Free will? He gave Lillith over a thousand children who were known as the Succubi.

He didn't regret his decision, she was still a woman after all and what woman didn't want to be a mother? The only thing he did wrong was not to love her.

He still didn't love her but he did care of her well being and if Lucian was her answer he will make it come true for her.

His feet carried him to the graveyard and he opened the gate. 'Beautiful hollow ground.'

The gate closed behind him and a few spirits rose up from their graves. "Samael."

"Fallen brethren."

"We guess you have not come here to talk about idle things."

He grinned, they didn't miss a thing. "You are correct. I have come to you for information."

The spirits looked at each other. "Information?"

Samael walked to a tombstone and sat down. "Yes, I heard there are trivial matters going on and I want to get to the bottom of it."

The spirits looked at each other again and turned their gazes towards him. "Did she send you?"

He played dumb at their question. "Who are you talking about?"

"You think we are dumb, Samael. We know you still answer to her."

"And if I said yes? Who'd you still tell me?"

The spirits hesitated at his statement. "We do not know, we have no idea which side she is on."

Samael hardened his eyes at them. "Lillith is on her own side, so if the information you give me can persuade her to aside. Isn't that what you'd want? To forever leave the graveyard?"

He saw that they were thinking over his words carefully. He tapped his fingers on his knee, he didn't want to say anything else or they would say no.

And he didn't want to abuse his neutral powers to make them obey, that would only make him no different than the Creator himself.

He stood up from the tombstone. "I'll take my leave." He started walking to the gate.

They turned their heads towards him. "Wait."

He paused. "Yes?" He turned around to face them.

"We will give you the information you are seeking."

Samael turned around and walked back to the tombstone he was sitting on. This was great and he still didn't know what information Lillith wanted entirely but he guessed it had to do with Lucian and this Uriel.

"What do you want to know?"

He folded his arms. "What is the new talk of the graves?"

"Gadrial's surge is coming."

"Is that all?"

"No, we know that she hasn't been baptized."

Baptized? Now, this was interesting, he had heard about the Angel of War getting damned by reincarnation and that she had to keep returning to the Creator's side.

So he wondered what changed? Normally an immortal would reincarnate in a Believer's body.

"And why hasn't she been baptized?"

"We believe that someone had a hand in that but we do not know who."

"And if Gadrial awakens what then?"

"We do not know, we don't believe that she would come back... Right."

Right? What a weird choice in words.

"As in?"

"We believe that because the mortal body hasn't been baptized that Gadrial might have kept her memories."

Now, this intrigued Samael he always wondered why she forgot her memories and only to attain them when there was a war just to die and lose everything again.

"So baptizing the mortal body helped her to forget her memories?"

"Yes, so when she awakened in her mortal body her memories come back slowly and Lucian always helped her to attain them."

"Is Lucian the key to Gadrial?"

The spirits looked at each other. "We can not answer that..."

Samael rolled his eyes. "You all know I can force the information out of you and I am not doing it as a courtesy to you."

There was fear in their eyes, they knew well that he could end them.

"Lucian was never the key."

Wait, did they just say he was never the key? How was that possible? He had heard the story of his damnation and that he followed her here, but he was never the key?

"Who is the key?"

"We can not-" Samael stood up from the tombstone and spread his wings. "I beg to differ."

The spirits took a step back. "We can not break our vow of neutrality."

'Ahh,' He folded his wings back. "Alright, I will not force it out of you now."

The spirits sighed a breath of relief.

"So what can you tell me about this angel Uriel?"

Panicked flashed across their faces. "What do you want to know about Uriel?"

"I want to talk to him and I don't know where he lives. I have heard he is neutral and we neutral angels should stick together."

Samael knew Uriel was no longer a neutral. He wanted to see how far they are willing to keep secrets from him and the fact is that if Uriel chose a side they had to come clean. They are not allowed to keep his secrets.

"He lives on the northern side of town."

"Where exactly is that?"

"The apartment building Saint Agnes, 13th floor."

Samael stood up, he got that out of them at least, interesting enough they didn't tell him that he became one of the fallen.

"I thank you for the information, I will be leaving now."

He turned his back on the spirits and walked to the gate just to find it blocked. "You are not going to hurt Uriel, are you?"

He smiled at them. "I am not going to hurt him, I just want to talk to him." He put much sincerity into his words.

They gave him a nod and disappeared from his view. He walked out of the gate and looked up at the sky. Morning was approaching and he spread his wings.

He took flight north and he stretched his wings wider in the sky. 'Uriel you have no idea what is coming to you.'

He flew faster because Lillith would expect an answer soon. He saw the building and landed in the alleyway, he folded his wings back and strengthened his jacket.

He walked out of the alleyway and entered the building, he was surprised that it let him through. He guessed that it had something to do with him being neutral when he got to the elevator it opened and a woman walked into him.

His hands went out and he steadied her.

"Oh, God I am so sorry."

"Not at all, Miss. Be careful or you will hurt yourself." He removed his hands and took a quick glance over her. 'Beautiful.'

He walked past her and into the opened elevator, he pressed the button for the 13th floor. The doors went shut and then it dawned on him. That was Gadrial's mortal body.

He grinned, 'Why Uriel you sly old fox.'

The elevator pinged and the doors opened, Samael stepped out and inhaled. He walked down the hall and stopped at the door 665. 'I found you, your scent is off bloodlust.'

He knocked on the door and heard a voice. "I'll be with you in a second!" Samael heard a drawer close hard. 'Did he have something to hide?'

The door opened and there stood Uriel with a shocked expression. "Who are you?"

He saw that Uriel was trying his best to not inhale his scent so he would put him out of his misery. "I am Samael."

"Sa-m-ael? What? How?"

Samael did an inward eye roll, so his name was destroyed in the history books but judging by Uriel's reaction, he definitely knew who he was.

"Yes, it is I. Can I come in?"

Uriel didn't know what to do and took a step back to let Samael in. Samael whistled, "I love your place it is so martyr."

Uriel closed the door behind him and saw how he was admiring his paintings. It was his way of dealing with his guilty feelings of what he did to Gadrial and how he couldn't tell her the truth.

"Why are you here?"

Samael took that as an invitation and sat down on Uriel's couch. "I am here to talk."

Uriel folded his arms, "Talk about what, exactly?"

Samael grinned. "About how you have chosen a side to tip the scales and -" he waved around- "Gadrial."

Uriel stiffened, how did Samael find him? Who knew about him? What will he do? A million other questions came to his mind but he couldn't find the answers.

"Who sent you?"

Samael smirked slightly, so he had him on a bit of an edge. Good. "Why on earth do you think someone sent me?"

Uriel didn't stop staring at Samael, this had to be a dream. "No one knows where I live and yet here you are on my doorstep."

Samael let out a chuckle, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Should I be?"

Samael licked his lips. "You have nothing to fear from me, Uriel. You can scent that I am a neutral so how else did I find you?"

Uriel's eyes widened. "You've talked with the spirits."

Samael nodded, "Now you are catching on. So tell me about yourself."