
Uriel's palms became sweaty, 'Samael wants to get to know me?' He didn't understand why he was here and now when Gadrial is so close to her surge. It bothered him.

"What do you want to know?"

Samael repositioned his legs. "Come now, Uriel. I want to get to know you. So start singing."

Uriel detected the hostility that Samael placed in his words and the safest course would be to answer his questions with some hidden truth.

"I am the voice of the Creator."

"Oh? Interesting so we are similar in that regard."

Similar? Uriel didn't understand what he meant by that. He only knew of Samael die to the nature of him changing to a neutral after the last war they have fought.

He couldn't bear to see Gadrial die again by the hand of Lucian. That was the truth they kept from her each time she reincarnated and when the war rages before heaven wins the battle she dies by his hand.

"How are we similar?"

Samael sat with a bored expression. "You are the voice and I was the poison of the Creator."

Samael knew that he had been erased from the history books but he didn't know it would have been to this extend.

"Poison? That is hardly similar..."

Samael grinned. "Oh? You were never told to punish sinners in the name of the Creator?"

Uriel paused at his words. Yes, he had been sent to punish sinners because his word became HIS law.

"I understand now."

"Good, now tell me, Uriel. You were on the Creator's side so how did you become a neutral?"

Uriel patted his palms against his jeans to dry them, he still had an ominous feeling about his visit.

"I was tired of the continuous war that he forced us to have."

"You disappeared for two hundred years, where did you go then?"

How did Samael know this? The spirits wouldn't have told him all of this. They were honour bound by their neutralist bond, the only way he could have forced information out of them would have been to use his power. "I... went into hiding."

"Hiding? My dear Uriel, what could have made the voice of the Creator go into hiding?" Samael had a big smirk on his face, he knew he had Uriel in a corner.

Uriel gritted his teeth, he had him by the balls and Uriel didn't like it to be backed into a corner. "I was tired of battle, Samael."

"You know I can smell a lie and you Uriel are lying to me."

'Fuck!' Uriel didn't know Samael would be like him to detect a small lie in the truth and the worst part was; an angel's words are harder to detect. "I went to find Gadrial to keep her safe."

Samael nodded. "Did you succeed?"

No, he didn't succeed. Lucian always found her and never could he persuade her to choose his side. On the other hand that had a lot to do about the contract that the Creator constructed and Uriel initiating it. "No, I haven't."

Samael licked his lips, he was enjoying this little 'interview' he was much older than Uriel and he can not lie to him. "Why?"

Uriel inhaled a breath, "Because Lucian always found her."

Interesting, so no matter what Lucian thought of it as his duty to restore her and what? Watching her die over and over? "Why does he keep looking for her?"

Uriel folded his arms. "Because he loves her."

'Oooh, now that is a lie if I smelled one.' Samael looked, Uriel straight in the eye. "He does this out of duty?"

"He does it out of love and he still believes she is the key to everything."

'Another semi-lie' Samael grinned, 'this was good and Lillith was going to love this.' He stood up and towered over Uriel. "Is she the key to everything?"

"I do not know."

Samael's eyes flashed and he grabbed Uriel by the throat. "You are lying to me again."

Uriel grabbed his hands that were at his throat and Samael pushed him against the wall. "I can not hear you."

"I- She has not been baptized, this could change the whole course of the war!"

Samael let go of Uriel's throat and he fell to his knees, gasping for air. "She hasn't been baptized?"

He turned his back on Uriel. "So this means the whole fallen world's fate is hanging on her shoulders."

Uriel's thoughts were running, why did he come for this information? He had nothing to do with the war because he didn't choose a side unless he wasn't here on his own violation.

Samael turned back to him. "Why did you choose the side of the fallen?"

Uriel didn't look up at Samael. "Because Lucian said that this time the fallen could win."

Samael inhaled. "You are not telling me the whole truth." He placed his foot on Uriel's head.

"It is the only way to save Gadrial!" Uriel frotted his teeth as he felt the pressure on his head increasing.

"To save her how?"

Uriel's breathing came faster. "So that she doesn't have to die again. She isn't baptized and that means she won't reincarnate again!"

The pressure on his head lifted. "Do you love her?"

Uriel didn't answer and the pressure on his head was there again. "With all of my soul."

Samael lifted his foot from Uriel's head. "That is the most truth full thing you have said in this whole conversation, Uriel."

He took a step back. "You chose aside to save the woman you love, now that is touching."

Uriel kept his head downward, he couldn't afford to be in a battle with him. He had too much experience when it came to these things. "I will save her over and over if I have to. Yet, she still keeps choosing, Lucian."

Samael lifted an eyebrow. "She doesn't know that you love her?"

Uriel lifted his head at him. "I haven't uttered a word to her."

"Then no wonder she keeps choosing Lucian over you. Why are you keeping silent?"

"Because he always had a claim to her and I have been told to stand down."

Samael knelt down so that he was level with Uriel. "What is different this time?"

"I am not going to keep silent about it anymore."

Samael saw the fire that sparked in his eyes. "So you are going to make a stand for her heart?"

Uriel held his gaze. "Till I breath no more."

Samael clapped his hands together, "Now that is what I am talking about! So, you are not truly on the side of the fallen then?"

Uriel's wings spread and he got to his feet. "I am on Gadrial's side, always."

Samael let out a whistle and go to his feet and spread his wings in unison to Uriel's. "I can see that you have an iron will. Do not give up on her."

Uriel admired Samael's wings they were a light green colour and the wingspan was insanely long like that of Icarus. "I will never give up on her."

Samael nodded. "So what happens to the mortal soul?"

"The soul simply seize to exist." Uriel averted his gaze at his own statement. That was the cruellest reality of the Gadrial's reincarnation. Two souls can not exist in the same body as the immortal one.

There will be a battle on the plain of limbo between the mortal and the immortal and the one that wins will be the one that inhabits the body.

That was why the surge was important because the mortal body had to be protected until a soul returns to it. That was why it was always so important to Lucian to be there so that when Gadrial awakened he was there to take her hand.

But this time Uriel went a few steps ahead and tracked her mortal soul down so that he could be the one that was close to her and if need be to keep Lucian away from her. The only problem was that Lucian had a few allies that are assisting him and what made Uriel angry was that Gabriel was on his side now.

Samael nodded his head. "Well, that makes sense." He held his hand out to Uriel. "Let us make a deal."

Uriel looked at his hand and glanced up to his face. "A deal?"

He nodded at him. "Yes, I will help you to win the heart of your fair maiden if you help me in return."

Uriel didn't like the way he said that but he was thinking. If he could have an ally maybe just maybe he would be able to keep a step ahead of Lucian. "What do I have to do in return?"

Samael's smile widened like that of a Chesire cat. "You have to help me to make Lucian realise that he is in love with the wrong woman."

Finally, someone that saw it too! Uriel grabbed his hand tight. "You have yourself a deal. So who is the poor soul that Lucian is in love with?"

Samael shook his hand. "Oh, I think you'd know her. Her name is Lillith."

Uriel's blood went cold at the mention of Lillith's name. 'Adam's first wife? Lucian was in love with Lillith? What the fuck was this world coming to?'

"He is in love with Adam's first wife?"

"You seemed shocked. Yes, I believe he is in love with her and she with him but both of them are too stubborn to admit it."

Yeah, sounded like Lucian alright, Uriel never had the pleasure of meeting Lillith but with this new alliance maybe they both sides can win. "I will still help you, Samael."

"Good, so we an accord."

"We do, so let us toast on this new friendship." Uriel walked to his dining room cabinet and took out a bottle of brandy. 'Yes, this was just perfect timing.'