
'Uriel claims what!' His powers were rising and the whole kitchen was rattling. 'If that fucking bastard thinks he has any claim on Gadrial he is fucking dead wrong!'

He spread his wings wide and the rattling grew louder, 'This is fucking war now.' Gabriel turned around and his eyes widened in fear. "Calm down!"

Gabriel knew it was a mistake to tell him what Uriel said. But rather he found out sooner than later as it would have been worse than a few cups rattling in his kitchen.

"Do not tell me to calm the fuck down!" Lucian was angry but he had a suspicion of Uriel's feelings when he convinced him to join the fallen's side but to outward claim that he and Gadrial are soulmates? Not a fucking chance in hell.

"You are going to break my apartment!"

Lucian spread his black wings wider, he didn't fucking care! He was ready to march on Uriel and take him down a peg. "I don't fucking care! I am going to him right now!"

Gabriel forgot about their cups and walked over to Lucian and grabbed his face between his hands. "That would make things worse! Why don't you do things like normal people and woo the fucking girl?"

'Normal people? They aren't fucking normal!' He tried to push Gabriel away but his grip was too strong. "We are not fucking normal!"

Gabriel adjusted his grip on Lucian's face. "That might be the problem! We are so used to be the otherworldly beings that we forget that we should try and blend in, so calm the fuck down and think about this rationally."

Lucian was trying to normal his breathing but his blood was boiling, he didn't think that Uriel will be playing this game now. Luckily he knew that Gadrial would choose him always.

His breathing became calmer and he folded his wings backwards and Gabriel let go of his face. "Do you feel better now?"

'Feel better?' He was still fuming and if this turned out to be a battle to win Gadrial's heart he will play it full force and he prayed that Gadrial wouldn't get the memories back of him stabbing her through the heart.

But the most peculiar thing that happened after the last time he ran his sword through her heart was that it got difficult to find Gadrial's mortal soul. It took him four years, four bloody years to find her soul and then she fell in his lap along with the other angels that surfaced in the world.

"I do not feel better, Gabriel. I am still fucking fuming."

He nodded at him, "Look, I know this has been a hard two days but we have to take it one step at the time."

'Yeah, he was right. It was brutal and a million things had come to the surface. The revelations that Gabriel dropped on him and the fact that Uriel came in to play after two hundred years, Azazel that appeared and Michael was on their feathers.

What was there to do? He fucked Lillith which was amazing and he felt guilty about that afterwards as he had left her again to pursue Gadrial. It was all just a never-ending cycle.

He wanted them to be free from all of this, the never-ending war between heaven and hell. He wanted Angels to love freely and to experience immortality with free will. There was a lot of things that he wanted for his race but who was his race? The Angels or demons?

Bezel and Leviathan were counting on him to back up what he promised them that he would do. And their patience would be running out soon. He had their hopes on his shoulders but could his heart make the decision that it needed too?

"We have to make that steps quicker and by doing that we would have to waken her."

Gabriel stiffened. 'No, No... Shit, we are back at that option, why can't we think about another one?' He took a step back. "That can not be the only option, Lucian."

Lucian pulled his upper lip back in a snarl. "That might be our only option. I might not have the time to woo the Christine girl."

'Time? He doesn't have time?' He clicked his tongue. "If you do not do this the right way, Lucian then everything might be a fuckup."

Lucian laughed internally, 'You have no fucking idea how fucktup it already is.' He turned away from Gabriel and walked back into the living room, maybe he should sleep and see what tomorrow brings to them.

Gabriel followed him out. "Something wrong?"

He shook his head and sat on the couch. "I'll sleep in it and we can talk in the morning. This conversation isn't bringing us anywhere."

'That was the most sense Lucian had talked all evening.' Gabriel walked to his room and opened a closet, taking out a pillow with a few blankets.

Lucian had his eyes closed, what was he going to do? He wanted Gadrial safe but that would mean to sacrifice the mortal body earlier than usual and that didn't sit right with him. It always bothered him that they had to put innocent souls in jeopardy to achieve their goals.

He was nearing his crossroads and the fact that Uriel had already tried to change her memories could mean that Gadrial might never return or that her mind had been altered in a way that she could remember everything.

And to bring the baptism into play, they still didn't know what impact that had on Gadrial. Lucian was only getting a headache on all these thoughts that crossed his mind but the image that didn't want to go away was Lillith.

Her images seemed to longer in his darkest of thoughts so was Gabriel correct the first time when he told him what Michael and Moloch did?

That he was forced to love Gadrial the angel of war and his muse? Who he went after and damned himself to earth to follow her blindly? Did he regret his decision by fucking over the Creator?

No, he always wanted to fuck over the Creator. The Creator who felt nothing for his beautiful creations. He cared only for his wars and bloodshed. This had always angered Lucian but who would have listened to an Angel who only made music?

He was brought back from his thoughts by a pillow that hit him in the face and he blinked. "What the fuck?"

Gabriel stood there with his arms crossed. "You haven't heard me call your name for twenty minutes."

He glared up at him. "I was busy."

Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Are you fine on the couch?"

Lucian smirked. "Oh? Are you offering to sleep with me?"

'Not in a million years, Lucian.' Gabriel wasn't going to state that out loud. "You would wish to sleep with me."

Lucian noticed that Gabriel's cheeks were a shade of pink. 'So I do push his buttons.' He stood up and closed the distance between them. 'I'll bite.'

He stopped Gabriel taking a step away from him. "And what if I wish, Gabriel?"

Gabriel opened his mouth and closed it again, he didn't have a comeback and anything he would say now would sound stupid. "You can keep wishing!"

That wasn't the smartest of comebacks but he didn't know what to say at Lucian. He knew how to rattle him and he was rattled.

Lucian had Gabriel pinned between his arms against the wall and he lowered his face next to his ear. "But I am wishing."

Lucian's breath sent a shiver up Gabriel's spine and his body was reacting. 'No! I can not have this, this man means nothing to me!'

Lucian's eyes opened wider as he saw the goosebumps on Gabriel's flesh and his own manhood was rising to the occasion. Moloch was right on one thing, he did play it both ways.

He removed his right arm from the wall that had Gabriel pinned and dragged his fingers lightly in his neck. "Are you sure you are not the one who is wishing Gabriel?"

Was he wishing? No! He hated this immortal with all of his being but why is he reacting so vividly to his touch. Was it because he never dealt in the temptation that was flesh?

Gabriel placed his hands against Lucian's torso and pushed him backwards. "I am not interested."

He didn't give Lucian time to react so he left him standing in his living room and went to his bedroom, locking the door behind him.

Lucian grinned at Gabriel's retreating back, 'That was a nice distraction.' He loved the way he was pushing Gabriel's buttons and the way he was reacting to his bait was fucking adorable.

He went to the couch and fluffed up the pillow, he laid down not bothering to cover him with a blanket it was hot anyway. His pants were still a bit too tight but if he stopped thinking about Gabriel and his virgin flesh it would calm down.

Gabriel was leaning against his bedroom door. "What the fuck was that?" He looked down and saw that his pants were too tight and his manhood was aching for release.

Gabriel was a virgin and had never had the pleasure of tasting flesh, male or female. No one had interested him so he thought he was immune to this kind of things like the Creator wanted them to be.

He stepped away from his door and unbuttoned his pants, he gasped as his manhood jumped upwards. It felt good with no more restrictions keeping it pinned and he walked to his bathroom, a shower might be a good thing right now.

He opened the shower and watched as the steam rose, he took off his shoes, shirt and pants then he climbed into the shower and let out an earthy moan as the hot water flowing over his body.