Gabriel and Lucian

"They're out for her blood?"

Lucian nodded at him, "That is what I have heard when you left to fuck knows where."

Gabriel looked at his empty cup of coffee. 'Yes, I will be needing more caffeine.' He didn't want to tell Lucian where he went too because that would mean to go in a long explanation.

"Gabriel, where did you fly off too?"

Gabriel let out a sigh and placed his cup on the table in front of him. He would have to tell him that he almost killed Gabriel tonight but that wasn't something you just bring up in a conversation.

Lucian was watching him now, 'What was he hiding?' He saw him watching his cup closely that he placed down on the table, it seemed that the internal struggle is real inside his head.

Lucian brought his coffee to his lips and took a sip.

"I went to talk with, Uriel."

Lucian spat out his coffee in Gabriel's face. "You what?"

Gabriel wiped at his face and stood up to take his cup, "More coffee?"

Lucian was fuming. 'He drops a bombshell on me and now he wants to make more coffee?' Lucian slammed his cup on the table. "Sure."

Gabriel ignored the hostility that came off Lucian. He took his cup and walked into the kitchen and put the kettle back on. 'What were they going to do? Should he have trusted Uriel and his instinct about awakening Gadrial?'

How could he? He hasn't been within contact with Uriel for two hundred years, so of course, he had these mixed feelings. He stood in the doorway to watch Lucian silently it looked like he was in his own thoughts.

Gabriel sighed inwardly, 'Was Uriel right and Lucian was only in this for his own benefit and not caring about the impact it might have with Gadrial?'

His head hurt and that might have to do with the fact that he was drinking brandy like a cool drink. "Lucian, I am worried."

Lucian stood up from the couch and entered the kitchen. "What are you worried about?"

How can Lucian stand there and not be worried about what the future may bring? How can he look him in the eye as if nothing was wrong? All of these questions were going through Gabriel's mind and he had no way of putting it into words.

He never liked Lucian, when he had heard of him the first time he knew then and there that he will never be able to work with him. But these were different times and even now Gabriel was not sure if he sided with the right side.

"I am worrying about Gadrial."

Lucian quirked an eyebrow, "As am I."

Gabriel didn't believe him, those words simply rolled off his lips. He wondered who was he trying to convince? Him or himself? "I almost killed, Uriel."

Lucian's face contorted with shock. "You fucking what?"

Gabriel noticed he never put the kettle on and pressed the on the button. "I said I almost killed Uriel."

"I heard you. My question is why?"

Gabriel gave the kettle his full attention. What was he doing? Was it really safe to tell Lucian everything that came out of Uriel's mouth? That Uriel was in love with Gadrial and that he won't back down?

Or that Lucian was never meant to have been there with her? That he had been played from the beginning because he was a gullible fuck?

On the other hand, Gabriel became fallen and chose Lucian's side. So maybe it was safe to tell him about it. "Because he almost ruined everything."

Lucian leaned against the doorframe. "Almost?"

Gabriel nodded. "Did you notice the peculiar storm?"

"Yes?" What was he getting at, anyone with a hint of demonic or angelic blood could tell something was up with that storm.

"That was Uriel's memory-erasing spell."

Uriel's what now? Lucian knew that Uriel was the Creator's little law bitch but to that extent? "Why did Uriel use that?"

Gabriel let out a sigh, "Uriel, lives in the same building as Gadrial so what do you think Lucian?"

Lucian bit his lip hard that he tasted blood. What was that fucking retard think he was doing? "What did he do with her?"

"I am not sure what he did, but my guess is she found out something and he tried to rectify it by erasing her memory. I drew my sword on him and wounded him but what worries me the most is the fact that it might have altered Gadrial as well."

Gabriel jumped at a sound when he turned around, Lucian had his fist in his wall. "That bastard is selfish!"

But was Uriel selfish? Gabriel began to wonder if it wasn't the other way around. "Look, I don't think he knew what he was doing."

Lucian removed his fist from the wall and turned towards him. "I think he knew exactly what he was doing! Look Gabriel, we have to get Christine out of that building and bring her somewhere safe until she surges."

Gabriel lifted an eyebrow at Lucian. He was pushing too hard and that made Gabriel more suspicious of him. "Tell me again why we should do that."

"Because the only way to save her from Azazel is to make her surge quicker."

Gabriel didn't fall for that anymore. "Are you sure it is not for your own benefit to make Gadrial surge quicker?"

Lucian glared at him now. "It is for Gadrial's sake!"

Lucian was only telling half the truth and with Gabriel questioning his motives made him more hesitant to tell him everything. "Look, we have the power to change the outcome for the war but we need her on our side. So Gabriel please help me to get her to fall in love with me again."

The kettle boiled but Gabriel didn't shift his gaze from Lucian. He needed help to get the woman he was in love with to fall I love with him again? This made Gabriel's head hurt even more, wasn't it suppose to be easy for two people who are soulmates just to love each other?

"Lucian, why are you asking me this? Wasn't it written in stone that you are meant to be?"

Gabriel saw hesitancy flash in Lucian's eyes, so there was something that he wasn't telling him.

"I am afraid it is not so easy in this life. The woman is hard to please."

Harder to please? It was Gadrial that they were talking about a woman he had to know from the inside and out. "Lucian, are you not in love with Gadrial anymore?"

He knew the question would be a hard one to ask but he had to know. But was it also possible for a love that rang so true that they damned themselves -with the help of the Creator.

"I love Gadrial," Lucian said with so much force that Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Who are you trying to convince?"

"What question is that? I love Gadrial and I will always love her! I just need some help so she doesn't think that I am a total loser."

"But she won't think you are a loser, she loves you remember?"

Lucian rubbed the back of his neck. "I am talking about the mortal, Christine."

Christine? He was talking about Christine? He forgot that there was another soul in the mix, they always forgot the innocents that were hurt in this war. "You are worried about what a mortal might think about you?"

Lucian crossed his arms. "It might have an impact on how Gadrial awakens."

That was the first time Gabriel heard about that. "An impact? How does that have an impact?"

Lucian sighed, "You know I am the one who keeps killing her on the battlefield?"

Wait! What? Gabriel didn't know that he always believed that when the war is won she just disappears from the battlefield. When he blinked he had Lucian's shirt in his fist. "You keep killing my sister!?"

Lucian stared into Gabriel's eyes, it wasn't something he has told anyone. Always near the end of the battle when heaven won he sought her out and caught her by surprise.

He remembered it like yesterday, he would call her name and when she turned around his blade went through her heart. He didn't even feel guilty about it he always justified it; the next time will be different.

Her face haunted him, she always let out a surprise but then she would smile at him and then her eyes closed at the revelation. 'I understand, ' That was what her eyes told him.

"Yes, Gabriel. So that we could always start the battle a new and try to balance the scales once more."

Gabriel's first connected with his jaw and Lucian staggered backwards. "You keep killing her!"

Gabriel didn't understand, you would do anything for love and to watch your lover die over and over finally takes its toll, you do anything in your power to see them in the next life again. Lucian rubbed his jaw. "You have every right to be angry but have you ever loved someone so much that you would do anything to quicken the process to see them again?"

Gabriel's body was shaking with anger, he didn't understand he hasn't had the privilege to love someone like that not in all the years that he had been on earth had he ever feel the emotion of love. "I have not, but that doesn't excuse you for being a selfish bastard!"

Selfish as he might be, the problem was not his love for Gadrial, it was the hope of others that rested on his shoulders. He had to get Gadrial on their side now, this time it should be easier because she wasn't baptized. "When it comes to love, one has the right to be selfish."

The kettle was screaming and steam filled the kitchen. "What about Uriel?"

He didn't understand, "What about Uriel?"

Gabriel let out a sigh and finally turned away from Lucian and put the kettle off. "Uriel claims that Gadrial is his soul mate."

The cabinets in the kitchen started rattling and his hand hesitated with the kettle above their cups.