
The man was grinning at her. "You seem happy, Miss."

Christine was still staring at him, he was athletic and his hair was messy. "Yes, I had a wonderful day."

He stepped out of the elevator, "That is good to know." He walked past her and she could swear she heard him inhale but she shook her head at the thought and stepped inside the elevator before it closed.

She pressed the up button and her thoughts went back to Lucian and Uriel. 'Maybe I should invite Lucian out, I still owe him a thank you.'

"You should stay away from Lucian."

She jumped up at the sudden voice that bellowed in her head. "First you want me to see who cares about me and now you want me to stay away from him?"

"Look, Christine... It is like I am feeling things and then I am not feeling things."

"That makes no sense at all."

"You are telling me! I have no idea why I can talk to you."

Christine didn't answer her, she was thinking. 'Gadrial is talking in circles. I have met her on the day of my accident and she said I should forget her which I did. Then suddenly I can speak to her...' She paused at that thought.

How did that happen? When she tried to wreck her brain on that memory she got a headache. "Can we communicate with each other face to face?"

"We could maybe, I don't know."

The elevator door opened and she climbed out onto her floor. "If I get to the apartment can we try something?"

"Sure... But what are you getting at?"

"I think that if I meditate maybe we can see each other."

"You are one smart cookie."

Christine let out a chuckle, the voice in her brain said she is a smart cookie that was funny. She walked to her apartment and paused at her door as the door by Uriel's apartment opened.

She turned towards him, "Good Afternoon, Uriel."

Uriel's face graced her with a bright smile. "Good Afternoon, Christine. How did your interview go?"

She took her hand from her door handle and turned fully towards Uriel. "I got the job!"

His face lit up with excitement. "I am so happy for you! When are you starting?"

"I am starting tomorrow." She averted her gaze because he was looking at her in a way that he wanted her and that made her blush. Was she really falling for him even though she doesn't know him?

She found it funny that her body reacted under his gaze, her nipples were hard.

Uriel noticed that she averted her gaze from him, he took a look downward alto her chest and saw that her nipples were hard and that made his manhood slowly erect. "That sounds exciting and if I may ask what company are you going to work for?"

Christine stole a glance at him and it fell on the part where his zipper was. 'God was he hard?' That thought made her wet. "Uh, Angel War."

Angel War? Why did that name play familiar in his head? He closed the distance between them and lightly lift her chin so that her eyes met his. "As long as you are happy."

His breath tickled her cheek and goosebumps were running down her spine. "I think I will be."

Uriel's gaze didn't leave hers and she felt that the dampness between her legs was getting damper. She parted her lips slightly and he took his hand from her chin and took a step back. "I am sorry, I have to meet a friend for dinner."

She let out a light sigh with disappointment. "I understand, I guess I'll see you around."

Uriel gave her a nod and walked away from her, he then paused. "If you are not busy tomorrow night, can I take you out for a celebration dinner?"

Her heart skipped a beat. "That sounds great, I'll let you know how my day goes tomorrow."

He gave her half a smile and turned back walking to the elevator. Christine was staring at his back and bit her lip.




She blinked. "Why are you screaming at me?"

"Because I have been calling your name and you have not answered me."

"I didn't even notice that you did." Christine turned around as the elevator doors closed behind Uriel and she opened her apartment door.

"Yeah? You were like a cat in heat."

"What would you know about it?"

Christine felt Gadrial getting angry at her, 'Yeah feel how it feels when someone bashes back at you!'

"I know plenty about it. You were ready to pounce him."

And what if she was ready to pounce him? "It doesn't matter, he looks out of my league anyway."

"Don't be so sure. But enough about testosterone, you want us to see each other face to face."

She entered her apartment and closed the door behind her. "Yes, I think we should meet eye to eye and figure out what is happening."

"Sounds good and then what?"

"I do not know, we will just have to make due to what we know."

She felt Gadrial nod at her words and she went to the kitchen to put on the kettle, one of the things that calm her was a cup of tea and that would help her meditate.

She poured water into her cup and walked back into the living room she looks at her table that stood near the door. Lucian wrote his number on her notepad.

Maybe she will give him a call if she was done here so that she can take him out as a thank-you dinner.

She sat down on her couch and crossed her legs. The cup of tea is steaming before her on the table and she closed her eyes. She tried to empty her mind.

She envisioned herself alone, sitting on a beach with water in front of her and she exhaled a breath. She hadn't meditated in years.

She opened her eyes in her mind's eye and looked at the horizon, her mind's sun was setting when she looked further she saw a shadow coming closer and stopped in front of her.

"Gadrial?" She whispered and the woman who wears her face grinned at her. "Christine the mortal."

Christine stood up and looked her in the eye. "Finally we meet."

She grinned, "Yes, it seems like it doesn't it?"

Christine circled around her, she was still astonished that this person looked like her exactly. "Why do you look like me?"

"I don't know, as I have said sometimes things come at me fast and sometimes I have nothing."

Christine stopped circling her and stood in front of her again. "So are you a different entity then?"

She bit her lip. Was she? She wasn't sure and these thoughts that come to her fast was confusing and she didn't know how to extract what was real and what wasn't. "I can not answer you."

Christine saw that she was speaking the truth but what interest Christine the most was that maybe she was her alternate personality? "What if..."

"What if what? Spit out your thoughts and don't keep them in."

Christine grinned. "Maybe you are my other personality."

"Other personality? Don't make me laugh, how can I be if I can walk, talk and make you feel my emotions."

Gadrial had a point. Usually, if you had a split personality the other one doesn't remember what the other one does. "Well, what other explanation do you have?"

Gadrial placed her finger on her chin deep in thought. "I have to show you something."

Christine's eyes widened. 'Show her something? Like in her mind?'

Gadrial took her hand and spread her wings. Christine took a step back but Gadrial still had her hand. "Are you afraid of me?"

She nodded at her, what was she? Some kind of bird? Gadrial softened her expression. "Don't be afraid, I would not hurt you."

Christine was afraid and the fact that she said she won't hurt her didn't calm her fears but Gadrial was holding on to her hand. "I... What are you?"

Gadrial cocked her head to the side and her wings were slowly beating taking them upwards. "I am an angel."

She took to the sky faster and Chrsitine let out a scream, she didn't like heights. Gadrial had a sadistic smile plastered over her face. "Are you really scared?"

Christine was horrified and she clutched her hand tighter. The beach in her mind's eye was fading and they were going to darkness.

Gadrial's wings didn't stop beating and she landed before a storm cloud which was raging but not going anywhere it was just there.

Christine's legs were shaking and she looked at the storm cloud. "What is this?"

She didn't utter a word and placed her hand against the cloud, it bounced her backwards with an electrical current. "I am not sure but I have noticed this two days ago forming in your mind."

This storm like cloud formed in her mind? What could this mean? She walked slowly closer to where Gadrial was standing. "What does this mean, Gadrial?"

Gadrial turned towards her and she wasn't smiling she had a solemn facial expression on her face. "I think it means someone wiped your memories of this day specifically."

'Someone wiped her memories? But who would do such a thing?' She reached her hand out but Gadrial stopped her.

"The memory wipe has not been completed yet. Something went wrong with it."

Christine looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I am not sure, but I know that if it is still raging like this something doesn't want you to forget what happened."

She turned her gaze back to the cloud and her mind was racing, she couldn't keep calm and when she opened her eyes she was sitting on her couch.

The tea wasn't steaming anymore and Christine blinked a few times to calm her heart. "What was that?"