
Christine was still pissed off at how Lucian was contradicting towards her. Why was everyone out there to force their beliefs on her?

She walked out of the elevator and out of the apartment building. Her phone vibrated after her last message to Lucian. She looked down on her screen and her eyes hardened.

"I am sorry, Christine. I didn't mean to offend you. I am already on my way so please wait for me."

'Now he was sorry?' She let out a frustrated sigh. "He really is so infuriating!"

She didn't respond to his message and placed it in her handbag. 'I should have invited Neo instead.'

She stood at the sidewalk and looked around there wasn't a taxi in sight. She sighed, "I guess you are walking again."

She went right from the apartment building. She heard screaming and turned her head left towards the alleyway. 'What is happening there?'

She paused near the entrance of the alleyway. She was curious as to what might be happening and maybe someone needed help.

Problem was if she intervened she could get hurt too but the scream sounded agonising. She bit her lip, 'Should I go and find out?'

"I think you need to leave."

"Gadrial what happened to not trouble me?"

"It seemed that you are in an internal prediction. Are you really that curious to see what is going on?"

Christine stretched her lips thinly. The truth was because she was a victim of domestic violence and any woman that screamed, she would come running. "Gadrial, I have to find out if the woman is okay?"

"You are very self-righteous, you know?"

"It has nothing to do with self-righteousness, it is the fact that I have been a victim of domestic violence and something like a woman screaming, entices me."

"Oh? I didn't know."

"There are a lot of things that you don't know about me."

"Duly noted. But just know, I will keep you safe."

Keep her safe? What did that mean? Was Gadrial her spilt personality? No, she ruled that out. "How are you planning to do that?"

"I don't know, as far as I realize is that when you are having deep thoughts; I can surface."

Deep thoughts? She might have a point when Christine thought back at the times that Gadrial spoke to her was in times of need or when she felt fear.

Christine wondered if it worked both ways? What if she felt anger would Gadrial feel it too?

The thing that Christine didn't know and might find out soon was that she was nothing more than a vessel for the most powerful angel which is Gadrial.

"So what are you feeling?"

Gadrial's voice was nothing more than a whisper. "I feel nothing."

Was that because Christine went into a calm state and wasn't anxious anymore? She had barely heard Gadrial's response. Maybe she should be less paranoid and just walk past because if Gadrial didn't feel anything that would mean it was safe right?

Christine closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Just walk past." She opened her eyes and kept them straight ahead. She cut off the screams that were still resonating from the alleyway. 'Maybe I should stop meddling in things that don't concern me.'

She trotted past the alleyway, it was not so easy as she promised herself to just keep moving. Her phone vibrated and she swore, what if the people in the alley heard that?

It was a hard vibrating sound because of the items in her handbag. She stuck her hand in her bag to fish out her phone.

She swiped the screen, it was Lucian.

"Starling, where are you?"

'Starling? What kind of word was that?' She felt jealousy rising in her bloodstream mixed with a hint of anger. "Gadrial? What is wrong?"

"I don't know, I just feel jealous and angry at the same time."

Christine was getting confused, it seemed like if there was more to Gadrial then she knew about. "What if I meditate again and we can have a talk. I think we should get to know each other better."

"I... Maybe we should..."

"Alright, so when I get home. We talk."


Christine felt the reluctance in Gadrial's voice. So she was hiding something, she turned her attention back to her phone. "Starling? What kind of word is that? If this is how you flirt, you really suck at it."

She continued walking and kept her eyes on her phone as a message came through.

"Me flirting? You would know if I am flirting with you."

She gritted her teeth. Yes, Lucian was infuriating. "Then what is starling?"

"You would have to come and find out, so where are you?"

"I am on my way, there aren't any taxi's so I am walking."

"Aww, poor starling."

She felt Gadrial's jealousy rising again. "Gadrial, calm down."

"I am fucking calm."

"No, you aren't. What about Lucian pisses you off?"

"I don't know!"

"Fine but after this, we are talking!"

"Don't scream at me mortal!"

"I am not screaming!"

There was utter silence. She sighed and typed her reply.

"Don't call me that, I am 20 minutes away."

"Call you what?"

She ignored his message and placed her phone back in her handbag. She felt like she made a mistake to invite him but her good heart wanted to thank him for saving her life.

She was picking up her pace to get to El Diablo but the sky was getting darker and her paranoia was taking over. She felt if someone was watching her in the shadows.

She decided to get her phone out again. She was scared and normally she wouldn't get scared. Her phone rang and she jumped, 'Unknown Number.'

She bit her lip and answered. "Hello?"

There was heavy breathing on the other end.


The heavy breathing didn't stop and she was getting more freaked out and stopped dead on the sidewalk.

"Wh-Who is this?"

"I am coming for you, Christine..."

Coming for her? Who the fuck was this?

"Who are you!?"

"Have you forgotten about me?"

Her heart skipped a beat. Who could she possibly forget? "I don't know who you are!"

"So you did forget... This is unexpected but I will find you and then I will pay you the same respect that you have shown me."

This is crazy! How did this person get her number? Everything was supposed to be sealed and the only people that had her number were the one she freely gave it too.

"I am warning you, I am going to the police station and-"

"Are you now?" The voice sounded smug.

Why was he saying that? Is he watching her? She started looking around and clutched her phone tighter.

"Something wrong, love? Why are you looking around like that?"

'Shit! Shit!' He was stalking her! "I am warning you!"

"You are warning me? Let us get this straight Christine. I am warning you."

He knew who she was? But why can't she put her finger on who he was? "What do you want?"

"I want you to suffer."

Her heart was hammering in her chest and she looked around again, there were a lot of people who were talking on their phones.

While she was on the call her phone vibrated again. 'Lucian?!' Was he the one who would pull this trick?

Gadrial answered in her head. "It is not him, this is someone else."

Christine bit her lip and the voice started laughing over the phone. "I am always watching in the shadows, Christine."

"Who are you?" She screamed in the phone's speaker. Tears were running down her cheeks now, she didn't know when she started crying but she was scared.

"You'll find out soon enough."

The phone went dead and her heart didn't ease into a calming rhythm. She took the phone from her ear, who and what happened?

She jumped as a hand touched her shoulder and she turned around.

"Woah, Starling! I didn't mean to scare you."

Lucian was standing there with a worried expression on his face and she just fell onto his chest and cried.

Lucian didn't know what was going on, his hands hung in the air and he slowly brought it down. He rubbed her back in an awkward soothing way. "Christine, what is wrong?"

Christine didn't answer him straight away, her hands were small fists that was against his torso.

"Christine, love?" He was still rubbing her back.

His tone was soft and full of concern. "Christine?"

She finally lifted her head and he saw the tears were still running down her cheeks.

"Christine, what happened?" His heart was racing, this wasn't like the feisty woman he met. What could have happens that had her rattled like this?

She parted her lips but no words came out. He took his right hand and wiped at her tears. "Tell me what happened."

She closed her eyes and leaned against his chest again. "I got a disturbing phone call."

Lucian frowned, a disturbing phone call? "Let us go to the restaurant and you can tell me all about it."

He felt her shaking under his arm, she was truly disturbed by this phone call she got. She took a step away from him and he gave her a slight smile, offering his arm.

Christine wiped at the remaining tears on her cheeks and linked her arm in his. She felt her fear subsiding and she looked down as the walked to the restaurant.

She didn't bother to ask Lucian on how he found her, she was still 20 minutes away from El Diablo.

The walked in silence when they got to the restaurant there was a long line outside. El Diablo was very popular because of the name, a lot of people just came here to rebel against people's beliefs and teenagers who wanted to get away from their parents.

They stood in line and Lucian decided to ask her again about the phone call she got. "Christine, do you want to tell me inside or are you feeling better to talk right now?"

He noted that she was still a bit pale but he wanted to know what could have shaken this poor mortal woman so that she looked like a ghost.