
The line in front was going slowly and Lucian thought that maybe Christine didn't want to talk.

"I am sorry, we can wait till we are inside." He placed his left arm around her shoulders and drew her closer to him. She still didn't speak and he bit his lip.

He turned his gaze back to the line in front of them. "I got this creepy phone call," her voice was a squeaky whisper.

He turned his gaze downwards to her and saw that she was still looking downwards at her feet. 'At least her body stopped shaking.'

"You mean like a stalker?"

She shook her head, she leaned her head closer to his torso as if she wanted him to console her. "No, not like a stalker more of a threat."

"A threat?" The line moved forward and the tool a slow step to the front.

She bit her lip, "Yes, he was threatening me. He talked to me as if he knows me."

"Do you know him?"

She went quiet for a few minutes. "I- I don't know. No one has my number, only those who I gave my number too has it."

That did sound strange to Lucian if she didn't give her number freely how would a random man find her number and call her like this?

"Do you want to go to the police?"

"No, the problem with the police is that they can only intervene if something happens."

Really? That is absurd so they will only step in if this lunatic killed her? He felt the anger in his blood rising. "It shouldn't be like that!"

Christine looked up at him with his sudden outburst and a few heads in the line turned to their reaction. "Unfortunately that is the way they work. There isn't any prove so what else was there?"

Lucian wasn't happy about the way she was admitting defeat at her predicament. She was a feisty woman but this one thing made her crawl into a shell and he didn't like that one bit.

"Still it shouldn't be like that, what else can you tell me about this call?"

The line was moving forward and they almost at the entrance of El Diablo. "Nothing much really, he breathed heavily and said he was watching me," she exhaled a breath, "And that freaked me out completely, I don't understand why someone like that would be calling me."

Lucian turned so he was in front of her and lifted her head up with his right hand, he gripped her chin so that she would look him in the eye.

"Christine, this shook you to your core. Is there something you aren't telling me?"

Christine couldn't avert her gaze from his eyes, they were soft but intense. There was something she wasn't telling him.

But she didn't know him long enough to come clean with the truth. Was there a possibility that the caller was Markus? Impossible, he was still in jail for attempted murder.

She bit her lip inward, but did she want to tell Lucian about that part of her past? It was something that she wanted to forget yet somehow it still haunts her.

"Lucian, do not take this the wrong way but I do not know you long enough to tell you about my past."

This was true the other reason was that she was in protective custody and anyone else that knew about it might put her in more danger than she already was.

"I understand, Christine so why don't we get to know each other better?"

His statement stunned her, but it also made her smile. "Then this will be an opportunity to get to know each other."

"Then it is a promise." He let go of her chin and took his place next to her. Christine had a faint smile on her face maybe, just maybe she could finally make a true friend.

But did she want to be friends with Lucian? She felt the jealousy rise in her veins her attention snapped to her subconscious. 'Gadrial?'

There was no answer to her question, so she was keeping her promise. The line moved and they were at the door. "Welcome to El Diablo, table for two?"

"Yes, somewhere near the window."

Christine just nodded at the waiter and the followed him inside. The restaurant was packed with young couples, small clicks and bikers.

Their burgers were famous in these part, the waiter stopped at a table near the window before Christine could pull her chair out Lucian was already there.

She quirked her eyebrow at him and he grinned, she bit her lip lightly, 'I didn't know he was such a gentleman.' She sat and he pushed the chair forward, she could just reach the table.

He took a step around and pulled his own chair out. The waiter was still waiting he them placed the menus in front of them. "I will be back in 5 minutes."

They gave him a nod, Christine averted her haze downwards at the menu and picked it up. This was a bit awkward now, Lucian cleared his throat and opened up the menu.

"What do you want to drink?"

Christine hasn't thought about that, she didn't really consume alcohol except when she was home. She didn't like drinking when she was out and that usually made her the designated driver. Her eyes quickly scanned the menu, the easy option was coffee but she also hadn't had a milkshake in a long time.

'It is time to be more adventurous.' She looked up from the menu. "I think I will have a beer."

Beer? Didn't women in this day and age prefer to drink wine? He decided not to bring it up. "Beer it is." The waiter returned to their table. "What can I get you?"

Christine was used to ordering for herself but Lucian opened his mouth before she could utter a word. "We will have two beers."

Christine silently snorted, he could at least have added please to his sentence. The waiter wrote down on his notepad and nodded at the confirmation. "Coming right up."

He left them again and Lucian placed the menu back down on the table. He saw Christine was looking at him with her eyebrows raised. "What?" He leaned back in his chair.

Christine rolled her eyes and placed her menu down too. "You could be nicer you know."

Nicer? Really? This woman wasn't like the others. "What do you mean?"

"You can add 'please' to your sentences."

He sighed. "Why? He is working here and it is part of his job to serve."

"That doesn't matter! Do you have any idea what it would mean if you can add 'please'?"

"Do enlighten me."

Christine sat back in her chair. "Yes, it is his job. He works with irritated customers every minute of every day. So think about what one nice customer can do to his day."

Lucian couldn't help the smile that was forming on his lips. She was really overthinking this, or she might just like to think about other people and their feelings. "I can try, but I can not promise that it will change any time soon."

She smiled at him, "Well, baby steps are the way to go."

He looked at her, the way her smile brightened her face and bringing out her elegance. He got this feeling in his heart that she should smile because she was at her prettiest if she does. "For you, I will try anything."

The waiter returned with their beer, he placed them down and took a step back. "Should I come back later?"

Lucian cocked his head to the right to look at their waiter. He looked drained, did he work long shifts? "Thank you for the beer, I will call on you when we have decided on what we are eating."

He saw surprise flash across the waiter's face, so Christine was right he looked shocked that someone took in his feelings. He bowed at them. "Thank you."

Christine's face beamed as the waiter disappeared. "You see, it seems they are understaffed."

Lucian looked around, she was right but they weren't here for idle chit chat. He wanted to get close to her as quickly as possible so he could work his magic and get her soul to scream for him.

So Gadrial can surface so that she would be able to protect herself against Azazel. That name left a bitter taste in his mouth, he wasn't sure what he really wanted. The way his wings spread didn't suggest that he was fallen or an angel of the Creator.

He wasn't even a neutral, they usually keep themselves out of the business of heavenly politics. "You are right, they are understaffed but we have all evening."

Christine looked at him, his hair was a mess and the shirt he had on was right across his chest and it complicated his masculine form well. Did he think that this was a date?

Lucian caught her looking him all over, he would lie if he didn't admit that her gaze was wakening feelings inside of him or did that have to do for the fact that if he looked at her, that he only saw Gadrial?

His was brought back from his thoughts at Christine's question. "So how are your gigs going?"

He suddenly remembered that he told her he was a rockstar who did heavy metal in clubs more specifically at the Children of the Damned. "It is going slow at the moment."

He took a sip of his beer. "The club is closed until further notice."

She reached for her glass of beers. "That is too bad, my friend Neo loves that club."

Neo? She is friends with Neo? "How long do you know Neo?"

Christine paused the glass at her lips. Why was he asking the question as if he knows Neo? Lucian realised the mistake he made by asking the question in that way.

"I mean I have met Neo a couple of times at the club, this is the first time I have heard she had a friend."

Christine continued taking a sip of her beer. So that was what it was. "I have known Neo since we were in high school."

So that was how Neo hid in the mortal world by being mortal. "That sound like a long time."