
He didn't know what to do, Raphael's screams were agonizing. She was still clutching her head and her voice was getting hoarse.

"Raphael!? Tell me what can I do?"

She didn't answer him there were tears in her eyes. He felt his hands relaxing against her face and he leaned in. Her eyes were opened, there was fear in them.

He did something that usually worked when someone who was hysterical and he kissed her open lips. He swallowed her screams and he pulled her in closer.

Her screams muffled out and he tasted salt at his lips, her tears were running down. He drew back slightly and her scream went down his throat. "Raphael, are you alright?"

She didn't say a word and looked up at him, he saw that her eyes still held the fear that it had. He removed his right hand and placed it on her head, he made a soothing motion. "Raphael?"

She closed her eyes and her tears stopped. "Sam-Samael, I have to leave or the consequences would be severe."

He felt the anger that rose in his blood, he will find this blood oath wielder and he will severe their bond. This was the most brutal oath that could be ever made, the one that receives the oath will have to bow to every whim of the wielder.

"Raphael, do you have to go?"

She tried to take a step back from him but he tightened his grip and kept her in place. "Samael, if I don't go. He will kill me."

Samael let out a slow snarl. "Not if I kill him first." He leaned closer to her face and placed his forehead against his.

Raphael was confused, why was Samael acting this way? He never did this and the kiss that swallowed her screams. She wouldn't lie but that made her weak in the knees. "Promise me that you will not go after him."

Not go after him? That was asking him to die like a coward. "I can not promise that I need his name, Raphael."

She wiggled herself from his grasp and pushed him away from her. "I can not tell you his name, Samael I don't want you to die."

That was the truth, she was more than happy to have found out he was alive and not bound to a demon as Moloch told her that he was.

"I will not die... I will free you from this." He closed the distance between them again, how can I tell you, Raphael, that I have loved you since the first time the Creator bound you to me.

He reached for her arm and swung her forward that she fell against his chest with a thump.

She looked up at him with a faint smile on her lips. Samael had surprised her with his actions, "I have to leave."

He looked down at her and caressed her cheek with his free hand, he leaned downwards his lips inches from her. "Promise me..."

She felt his breath on her lips, it sent shivers up her spine. "Promise you?"

He closed his eyes and whispered against her lips. "Promise me that I will see you again."

She shivered against him and felt his manhood erecting in his pants. He wanted her but could she make a promise that she might not be able to keep? "Samael..."

He wouldn't take no for an answer, he had left her once and that was his regret. "Promise me, I can see you again."

She bit her lip, she could try but of Moloch got wind that she was secretly sneaking out to see Samael things would turn out ugly for them both. "I promise that I will see you again."

She knew that was what he wanted to hear, he needed to hear that she wanted to see him again. But then she wanted to have the conversation with him that she had a million times in her head.

'Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me? Did you have any idea what you did to me? You have no idea how broken I was after you have left.'

Samael pulled away from her. "I look forward to it but I want you to stay safe."

She looked deep into his eyes there was nothing but worry and love? Did he love her? Was that why her heart was raising? "I promise to stay safe." She took a step back out of his arms and he looked as she changed her form to be more masculine.

She said in a lower voice. "I have to leave now." He gave her a nod, "I'll know how to find you, Raphael so please call my name and the wind will carry it to me."

She gave him a nod and climbed into the limo and reversed out of the alleyway. He watched her leave his heart was very heavy. "Raphael..." Her name was a prayer from his lips, "If only I took you with me but as I am struggling to come to terms of what I have done and what I feel. I can not tell you yet."

He looked up at the sky it was darkening, he had to get to Lillith she would be wondering what happened to him. He didn't usually take to long on recon missions.

He spread his wings, might as well take to the skies to get there faster and before Uriel comes to the club. He wanted to meet Lillith and then seal the deal they made.

He would help him get his soulmate back from Lucian's clutches and he will help them to make Lucian realise that he was just the gullible fuck from the beginning.

He took flight his light green wings shimmered in the last of the suns rays and it was calling to him as it called to Icarus. The wind welcomed his wings and he spread them wider.

They were the beauty of hard battles and the power he still held of all the years that he had been alive. The only thing that would complete his soul now was to have a part of his soul back.

He blinked, maybe he should take a detour to the graveyard to see if he can dig up some dirt on Raphael's blood oath? No, he shouldn't if Lillith got wind of what he was up to she would be angry.

It was as they say, 'Hell hath no fury like that of a woman's scorn.' He will go after the meeting, Uriel was probably almost there and he had to hurry.

He never had a thought that he would see Raphael again. So what happened in heaven exactly that most of the angels were on earth now?

And most of the spirits in the graveyard couldn't enter the kingdom and the demons can't open the gates of hell. This was troubling indeed.

But he will not choose sides, his freedom was everything to him and he will not bend the knee to anyone. The sun went down, Lillith's apple was in full view and he descended towards the ground.

The door opened as he landed. "The missstress wantsss to sssee you." He rolled his eyes at the snake-like creature, he didn't know why Lillith would surround herself with these creatures.

He walked past the creature not giving it a second glance. The club was busy there was a lot of mortal men and course Succubi.

He weaved past them to the backdoor, he took a small breath in. 'Shit she will smell Raphael all over him.' Maybe he would be lucky and she wouldn't notice it.

He opened the door and ascended the stairs his heart was beating in his throat. May hell hath mercy on his immortal soul. He opened the door and glass flew past his head.

"Where the fuck have you been, Samael?"

He closed the door behind him and plastered a smile on his face. "Well, hello to you too Lillith."

She snorted, " I don't have time for fucking pleasantries."

Naturally, she was never known to have any patience whatsoever. "I was always your pleasantry or have you forgotten?"

He saw her nostrils flare, 'So scary.' He didn't move a step forward, it was better to keep himself distant from this beast.

"You keep forgetting who saved you from your miserable immortal life. I can easily make you choose a side again."

'She wouldn't do that would she?' Who was he kidding, she would force him to do that. "Look, I got the information as you wanted, so can you calm the fuck down so we can talk like civilised people?"

He saw her anger was not going to subside soon but she sat down on a chair at her table. "So talk."

How will he ease into this? This was a lot of information that he would be sharing and he wondered if he should withhold a few to keep as aces. "Well, I went to find more information on Uriel, so I went to the graveyard."

She already had a bored expression as he suspected she didn't want to know how he got the information. She just wanted the details or important parts. "The spirits told me that Lucian was never the key to Gadrial."

He saw her face contort into confusion, "Can you repeat that?" He inhaled another breath, was she going to make him repeat everything?

"I said that Lucian was never the key to Gadrial."

She tapped her fingers on the table in front of her. "How is that possible?"

"They aren't entirely sure, they didn't want to tell me who was the key."

"This is a strange turn of events but how did she wake up all these years if he was never the key?"

He was not going to say that he figured it out. "I do not know, but one thing I learned that might interest you."

"Don't keep me in suspense!"

That got her attention if she was smart enough she will figure it out by herself. "Uriel is Gadrial's soulmate."

The room darkened and the lights went out, Lillith's fingers snapped and a small flame appeared in her hand. "Now that is the most interesting thing you have brought to me."