
Uriel was Gadrial's soulmate? This couldn't get any better, could it? So what did it entail for Lucian? Why was he so adamant that he loves her? 'All of these questions but none have the right answers. Or Am I asking the wrong questions?'

She grinned at Samael, "This is the most interesting thing you brought me." She played with the fire that was in the palm of her hand.

Yes, she did lose her temper and drained the whole room but it was more out of excitement that she did that.

She was the queen of darkness, so she might as well live up to that name. She closed the palm of her hand and extinguished the flame. The lights turned on, "Tell me more, Samael."

Samael wasn't sure that he wanted to tell her everything but he had to give her something. "Well, I talked Uriel into helping us."

Her smile widened. "You have?"

He nodded, "Yes, I gave him a deal."

This intrigued her, it wasn't every day that Samael gave someone a deal. Usually, that only happened when he would benefit from it. "What bargain did you strike with Uriel?"

Samael smirked, he knew that anyone would make a deal for someone that they loved dearly. "I told him to join us and in exchange, we can help him to get Gadrial's heart."

Lillith bit her lip and folded her legs on top of one another. "So you are going to play cupid?"

"We will play cupid. Don't you want Lucian all to yourself?"

She had to agree, she did want him and she wanted to be the one that was in his heart. Not the ghost of one that was supposed to have his love. "I want him..."

"I knew that you would agree, you and I both know very well that you and Lucian are meant to be together."

Meant to be? She never thought about it that way. Then again she was meant to be with Adam but that didn't turn out well now did it? The Creator replaced her in a heartbeat.

He was afraid of another woman who would defy him so he placed Adam under a spell and took a rib bone. That was when he created Eve, Adam's second wife and she was what he always wanted.

A bitch that bowed to his every demand and for the trust he placed in her, Samael came and whispered in her ear. So they were thrown out of Eden, it was the best revenge that Lillith could have asked for.

Comes to show, rather the devil you know than the angel you don't. She hoped that most women learned their lesson, do not bow to any man. Search for the man that made you his equal and dive into that love, never let it go.

"So Uriel agreed just so easily?"

"Was anything easy? No, he didn't agree immediately but I put some cards on the table."

She raised her eyebrow. "What type of cards have you put on the table, Samael?"

She wasn't going to like this but maybe he can just swing it that she would understand that this would benefit her. She could be finally getting the man she deserved after all these years. And the fallen can have what they have wanted, diversity.

"I have told him, that it was true that Lucian wasn't in love with Gadrial but I knew who was."

She licked her lips, so he played that card and that must have got the gears in Uriel's head-turning. "And?"

"I told him, Lucian was too stubborn to know what was staring him in the face."

He inhaled a breath, she might kill him or she would be happy that he did that. "I told him that Lucian was in love with Adam's first wife."

He felt the air pressure change in the room, "You said fucking what?"

Samael took a step back, he was again the door. Not the reaction he hoped for. "I laid the cards down that he was in love with Adam's first wife, and that he might only be after Gadrial because she was his fail-safe."

She glared at him, "And what if Lucian isn't?"

"Then it is still a win-win situation Lillith."

"How do you figure?"

"Well, we still help Uriel to win Gadrial's heart and then Lucian would still be free of his burden."

He took a glimpse at her face and saw that she was thinking it over. He added, "So who else would be there to pick up the pieces?"

She scowled at him, that made her sound like a fucking martyr, sit on the sidelines and wait till Lucian fell in her lap. Not a fucking chance! "You want me to sit and wait around? Till you and Uriel had your fun breaking him?"

Samael inhaled a breath, this wasn't their intention but now that she mentioned it, maybe they should break him a bit. He was a gullible fuck anyway. "We won't touch him, Lillith. Like I said we will work on Gadrial only."

"So in other words, you want Gadrial to break him?"

Obviously, how else would Lucian run to someone else? That would be the only way to make him realise that he was with the wrong being. "Think about it this way, if the woman he had loved from the beginning break his heart-"

"That would destroy him!"

Then what did she want? He had his hand on the door handle. "How else would you be able to win him, Lillith?"

He was getting angry now, his safest bet was to have a screaming match and have an exit strategy. "How else do you think that Lucian will forget about her! Do you think that he would just up his obligation after all these years and fall in your arms?"

His was beginning to pant, "He has to break! He has to realise that he can't just be in love with a woman because that was the most convenient thing to do!"

Lillith got up from her chair and closed the distance between them. "How dare you speak to me like this!"

He snarled at her, "I will speak to you as I please! You do not fucking own me! I might have made a deal with you to break free and you might damn me again but you have to listen to fucking logic!"

Logic? How can it be logic when it came to the matters of the heart? "It is still not right to break him!"

He glared at her, one can not win with this woman! "He has to be broken and he had to break so that he can stop looking for the part of his soul which is you!"

She leaned her head closer and whispered. "I will not let you break him."

"Too bad Lillith, Uriel is going to visit us soon and you better get with the fucking program!"

She grabbed his throat. "You made deals without my say-so. So tell me Samael, what was promised to you?"

Promised to him? He didn't strike to bargain to benefit from it, he did it all for her. Yes, he didn't love her but there will always bee a deep bond between him and her.

And because she gave him his freedom he will bow to her small tantrums. She deserved love above all else. "I am not getting something out of this- I did this all for you."

Her lips moved back to show her teeth, "How can I believe you? You always strike deals that you get something in return."

He felt her grip tightened around his neck. "I promise that I did this for you."

She inhaled and paused her eyes widened at him. "You have an unknown scent on you."

This was what he feared, she will ask him and he wouldn't want to tell her the truth. Raphael was his secret and his secret alone.

Lillith inhaled again and parted her lips. "It is angelic but I don't know this angelic scent."

Her tongue slithered out. "Who have you been seeing behind my back?"

Her hand squeezed his throat, he felt the breath leaving his lungs. 'Just give her something! Something that she would believe!'

"I just encounter a random angel scouting around Gadrial's apartment building!"

The pressure around his throat lifted, "Random?"

"Yes, Lillith. Just a random angel someone sent to scout around the area."

She let go of his throat and he gasped for air. She took a step back and turned her back on him, he looked up it would be easy to kill her when she was vulnerable. "Did you kill it?"

Of course, he didn't kill it he was neutral and didn't take sides in the war between heaven and hell. "I didn't kill it, you know well that would mean I have taken aside."

She looked back over her shoulder. "Then why is the scent so strong on you, Samael?"

He rubbed his throat, he still felt her hands on his throat. He had to think quickly because if she smelled a lie, this might be the end of him. "I caught him sneaking into Gadrial's window and I roughed him up."

She looked unconvinced but there were no rules to hit the opposite side fr time to time so she wouldn't be able to tell if he was lying.

"Did he have a name?"

'Fuck!' She still didn't believe him. "I didn't ask him who he was."

She turned her head to the front, "Fine if you say it is so then it should be so."

He felt the room grow ice-cold, his hand was still on the handle if he wanted to get out of here it would be now. She was overthinking about that he said, he silently pulled the door handle downwards and pushed the door slightly.

"Why are you lying to me, Samael?"

Only a few more inches. "I am not lying to you."

She turned around and her eyes were a blaze. "The smell on you is fucking female!"

He was out of the door before Lillith could blink, there was no way he was going to stay here and suffer her wrath.


He didn't turn back as he ran from the stairs, he had to get out of here now! The club's door was in reach, he pushed the snake bouncer out of the way and three the door open.

When he was outside he spread his wings and fled Lillith's Apple. The safest place for him would be the graveyards, the she-demon wouldn't be able to put one toe in it.