
Uriel let out a sigh as he walked away from Christine. This was a golden opportunity to have started to win her heart gradually.

But he had to meet Lillith, it would be his first time meeting Adam's first wife. He had heard the rumours about this defying woman.

He had a small smile on his lips, her story intrigued him because no one defied the Creator as she did. He thought back on Gadrial in a way she had defied the Creator in her little way.

The Creator was blind to what she was doing but most of it was under the influence of Lucian. She was smitten with him, or still is if you want to put it that way.

Uriel pushed the elevator button to go down and waited for it to come back up. Gadrial wasn't happy about the way that heaven was ruled.

The lower angels who weren't Archangels had no voice in the court of the Creator. He saw them as nothing and only started to create hybrid angels that did become the Arch in his heavenly rule.

There were riots and Uriel couldn't remember them all that might be the reason why Samael left the order. His record was wiped from the history books.

He was the poison of the Creator, but if Uriel remembered correctly he had a partner who became his blade when he punished the sinners.

But were the low angels, really sinners in a true sense of the word? Uriel didn't know how to answer that question. He guessed that most of them were sinners in their, own way.

No matter what you are thinking, you are a sinner if you just have thought about how a woman's body looks like under their clothes you are already sinning.

The elevator doors opened and he entered, Samael opened his eyes to some truths. The Creator was wrong in many things. Why did he create mortals? Where it so that they can bask in his glory?

Or did he want to rule over people that held no power over him? Come to think of it why did he create them; the Angels? To make sure that mankind stayed on the right path?

Still, questions he didn't know the answer too. The elevator doors closed, he pressed the first-floor button. There was another question that was burning at the back of his mind.

If Gadrial will be surfacing soon, why wasn't the Creator calling his army to his side yet to start planning for the war? Did he even notice that the scales are tipping?

Did the Creator know that Gadrial's mortal body hadn't been baptized? Did he know that the tide of the battle was changing?

The elevator door pinged and he got out on the first floor. 'Wow, Uriel why are you thinking about these things now?'

He opened the doors of the apartment building, the sun was still bright up and he squinted his eyes. His wings were aching to fly and he might take them up on the offer to do so.

He yearned to go to the graveyard but he knew they will not let him in after he chose the side of the fallen. They hadn't redeemed him worthy of their trust again.

It took him years after he went neutral to gain their trust. When he was still battling on the side of heaven they allowed him, passage to create the mausoleum for Gadrial's fallen mortal ashes.

But when he changed to a neutral he had more power over them and he had to gain their trust over again because of that power.

It always pained him to have stood in the shadows, to see Lucian woo the woman you love. Mortal and immortal soul just to go on the battlefield, no matter how many times he tried to save her Lucian came in and drove his blade through her heart.

Even her face then haunted him, that silent scream that formed on her lips and the tears that ran down. She didn't even smile but clearly, Lucian always saw something in her eyes.

The previous war was the last straw for him after Lucian drove his blade through her heart it was he, Uriel that grabbed her falling body and stayed with her till her body disappeared.

He had gazed in those pale blue eyes and felt how his wings changed from pearly white to the colour of earth. That day she parted her lips and said, "Uriel, it was always you."

Those words shook him to his core, the tears had rolled down his cheeks and she had reached up to wipe his tears. She closed her lips and into the light her body evaporated, he had cried out in anger.

Heaven had won that battle but Uriel didn't join the celebrations, he had gone to the mausoleum with a bit of Gadrial's essence that he saved and unleashed it there.

The essence made a small map and he saw that she had been born again, he viewed that this time he will save her and no longer keep silent.

He will win her love and make her say those words to him again, "Uriel, it was always you."

He will work with Samael and Lillith to defy Lucian's plans but one of his plans might come into bloom. Awake Gadrial early.

Where did these thoughts come from? Was he sinning or was he thinking about this differently? Was he really going to send an innocent mortal to her death early? He wouldn't lie, he liked Christine but Gadrial made his heartbeat in a million pathways that he couldn't state them in words.

Uriel walked to the other side of the road, he decided to take the long route to Lillith's Apple. The thing was now, was Christine strong enough in, body to keep Gadrial's immortal soul?

If they did want to wake her up, the battle for the inhabiting of the body will commence and the thing was if the mortal soul was stronger Gadrial might seize to exist and he wouldn't be able to handle it.

They didn't know where a dead angel's soul went if killed in such, away. On the battlefield, they went to the mortal graveyard to await the gates of heaven to open. Do they get reborn? Uriel didn't know, ever since Gadrial was condemned to earth he hadn't put his foot in heaven.

The day Lucian fell from heaven to earth the Creator fold them to go to earth and be his eyes and ears. Uriel didn't question him, that was the day after he invoked her contract on her.

He was broken after he did that, he had left the Creator's inner sanctum and Gabriel tried to talk to him but he just wanted to get out there.

He went to his estate, his cherubs were there instantly to bring him offerings and all he did was scream at them to leave him alone. He locked himself in his room with a photo that he and Gadrial took at her fledgeling party with the necklace he gave her.

He didn't sleep that night and in the morning the Creator sent them to earth, he was so happy and he did everything to redeem his actions. That was easier said than done.

He and Gabriel had lived together on earth and only the Creator knew what happened to Michael. The followed Lucian closely because they knew that he was connected with her and he would have to lead them to her soul.

Uriel stepped into the alleyway and spread his wings, he took the skies. The wind greeted his wings and he closed his eyes. 'Why are you thinking about all of this now?'

The one thing that Uriel didn't know was that it was never Lucian's soul that lead them to Gadrial. It was his own soul, he was the one who led them to her without him knowing. Uriel was the key to her soul.

Uriel opened his eyes and saw the graveyard that he made her mausoleum at. He landed at the gate it was better to be invited in then barging in on the dead.

Two spirits appeared at the gate. "You know you are not allowed back in yet, Uriel."

He folded his wings backwards, "I know that I would have to win your favour again before I do." He lowered his gaze and bowed downwards. "But I come for a humble request."

The spirits looked at each other. "What kind of request?" They turned their gaze back to them.

"I want to visit her once again."

"You mean the Angel of War who never comes to the graveyard because of reincarnation?"

Uriel didn't lift his head. "Yes." His voice was full of pain, he had to do this, he had to put the past behind him to move forward with his decisions.

"We can not grant you entry, you are to new on the side of the fallen."

"I understand that I am but I have to do this."

"Why do you have to do this? Why not wait till she reincarnated again them you would have been on the fallen's side long enough to gain entry."

Uriel bit his lip and bent so that his knees were on the ground, he lowered his head lower. "I have to make peace with the past."

The spirit's eyes thinned at his posture, never before has anyone bowed before them. "The last time you were here I have asked you if you were happy with your decision," He paused, "You said you knew what you were doing."

Uriel let his forehead touch the ground and his wings spread out like that of a martyr. "This has nothing to do with my decision, it has to do with my past."

The gate got a protective glimmer on it, the spirits felt the chance in him, they were getting afraid of what he might do. "This is hallowed ground, we can not give you entry."

"I am begging you, please. Please just let me make peace with my past and then I will leave."

More spirits came towards the gate, Uriel realised that they were getting ready if something happened and he lost his cool. "Rules are the rules, Voice of the Creator."

Uriel didn't answer them if he forced his way through they will never trust him ever again and he couldn't afford that. He still needed them to be on his side. "Tell me what I should do?"