
Uriel left the graveyard with Gadrial's essence in a small vial that he had hung over his neck.

He understood now what power he held by being the Angel of Death. He commanded the spirits in the graveyards and he could speak to angel essence who have died or disappeared without a trace.

Well, not entirely someone had to save some of their essences to make them stay in limbo. He turned the vial in his hands slowly, this piece was resonating with his soul and soon Gadrial will be here with him.

The spirits were standing in rows that formed an arch, "Welcome Angel of Death."

Uriel blinked, he had never noticed that there were so many spirits before. "Thank you."

Some of them bowed as he walked through their makeshift arch and some were cheering. He was carrying their burdens on his shoulders now.

Would he be able to support them? He didn't have the answer to that yet, only Gadrial was on his mind; his soul mate.

He exited the graveyard and spread his wings, it was time to greet Adam's first wife. This will be an interesting first meeting, he silently wondered if he still had the power to be the voice of the Creator?

The thing now was that his scent had changed, they would be able to smell that he was no ordinary fallen angel anymore. He took the skies and smelled himself, he smelled of death.

The wind didn't greet his wings like it always did when he flew, did nature find him an abomination now?

The vial was burning against his chest, "Do not worry, love you will be reunited soon." Yes, he will reunite her soon with the mortal body that inhabited her immortal soul.

He flapped his wings faster, time to get this meeting over with. He hoped that Samael will stick to what he had offered him, to win his lover's heart.

The skies were clear this evening and another thought pooped into his head. "If I have changed into the Angel of death, would that mean my previous powers were nullified?"

This worried him if his previous power got nullified then Christine would be able to remember what transpired between them. He didn't want that to happen, he was afraid that if she remembered she would flee into Lucian's arms.

He looked down at a building, it had two towers that were rounded with a gothic look, "That should be Lillith's apple then."

He flapped his wings to bring him to a stop and started to descend, his feet touched the ground silently and he folded his wings backwards.

He looked at the building, it was morbid alright and he smelled the Succubi inside. "Filthy creatures."

He took a step forward to the door and a low hiss greeted him, "Passsword?"

Password? There was a password needed to enter this place? Samael had said nothing to him. "I do not have a password, I am expected to see Lady Lillith."

The hiss came again. "No passsword no entry."

Wasn't this thing listening to him? "I am telling you that I was expected and you try to tell me I need a fucking password to enter here?"

"No passsword, no entry!"

Uriel felt his blood boil, he took a few steps away from the door. "The let the lady of the house come out."

He didn't hear the hiss, and he was getting annoyed. Did Samael do this on purpose? He opened his wings and spread them wide, he felt the energy that was in the ground.

There was blood spilt on the soil, he saw some spirits who were rising from the ground. Did they feel his presence? If this was part of his new power, it would be something to get used too.

He had never noticed that there would be spirits walking around that was not in the graveyards. He felt his power in his wings, they were slowly beating in a rhythm that only the dead seemed to understand.

The spirits slowly gather around him, they were looking at with admiration and he could hear their whispers, "Is he going to save us?"

Was he here to save them? Was he suppose to be their guide to the land of the dead? Was that his purpose now? But if he was meant to be with the Angel of War was he the peacemaker?

That sounded like an interesting concept, she will kill the enemy and he will guide them? No, the spirits said he can control the dead. He grinned so that is why they have said they were perfect for each other.

He felt a force field coming from Lillith's Apple, "Oh?"

He took a step forward to the door again the spirits was floating behind him, they did not dare to come closer. "Let the Lady of this establishment come out to meet me!"

Lillith hoped that Belial would reach Samael in time, but what got her frustrated was that he didn't tell Uriel that he needed a password to enter her establishment.

This was her sacred ground and no one will break that one rule! She brought that rule into play to protect mortal and immortal who was not of the heaven kind.

She passed a window to look outside, a shock passed over her face. "What the fuck is that!"

She shivered in fear, she had never felt this kind of power in centuries. She turned her from the window, "That was the voice of the Creator?"

He couldn't admit this kind of power? Samael said he became a fallen in hope to save Gadrial. But that was no ordinary fallen angel.

She looked out the window again, she saw a light admitting behind him it was enormous and went to over to the next building.

She narrowed her eyes, something was definitely not right with this picture. She let out a sigh and went further down the stairs.

She placed her foot on the bottom step and a few Succubi were running to her, "Mother!"

She rolled her eyes at them as they surrounded her, "Don't be afraid, I will handle this."

There were a few mummers, why we're her children so afraid? They were supposed to be demons, did this day and age turned them all in to cry, babies?

She should throw them into the pits of hell, to toughen them up again. She got to the door and the snake turned to her, "Lady, I don't think you ssshould go outsssside."

She ignored him, "He was expected as he had told you. So I am going out to him before he levels my club."

The snake demon didn't answer and nodded, she closed her eyes and re-opened them. She took a deep breath in, "Samael better, be outside when I step out."

Uriel touched the force field that came around the club, it had an interesting scent. Female demon, he didn't know what female demon but this barrier was filled with a lot of hate towards men.

He was about to shatter the force field when the door opened, his attention snapped to the door.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Uriel."

He let his hand fall to his side, "You finally show up, Adam's first wife."

She flinched at his words, she preferred it if they called her by her given name then after a male that didn't matter. "My name is Lillith, voice of the Creator."

He didn't flinch in her presence, he felt it in his wings her power held no dominion over him. "Fine she-demon, I will call you Lillith then."

Did he just call her she-demon? She gritted her teeth but did not lift her barrier that surrounded her club. "You should mind your tone."

Uriel smirked, this newfound power of him made him more confidant and he liked a lot, he wasn't the scared little voice of the Creator anymore.

Uriel took a step forward, "I have come here because Samael said you wanted a deal."

Before Lillith could utter a word, Samael landed between them with Belial. "Stop!"

Uriel paused and so did Lillith, they surveyed Samael. Samael walked to Uriel, "I apologise about not giving you the password to enter the building."

Uriel stared at him, "You haven't mentioned it in any conversation we had."

Samael nodded, "I know and I am sorry." He turned to Lillith, who was still in front of her door. She was ready to defend it when necessary and she had look on her face which sent chills down Samael's spine.

Belial ran to her mother's side, she had taken one look at Uriel and he scared her. Samael faced Uriel again, that was the first time he noticed the light behind him.

So what the spirits said was true, he was the Angel of Death now and no undead will answer to a neutral anymore. He couldn't see the spirit's faces clearly, they were all a blur. "Let us go talk like grown-ups."

Uriel nodded and Lillith lowered her defences, "You will need the password to enter." She turned around and entered her club again.

Samael let out a sigh, "That is one hell of a bitch."

Uriel let out a laugh, "You are telling me? So what is the password?"

Samael walked towards the door, "I bow to no man."

That was a stupid password, and how was one to know that when it was your first time coming here? He squinted his eyes if he had done more research on Lillith he would have figured it out but he didn't have time.

Samael disappeared through the door, Uriel followed but turned back to see the spirits were still waiting for him. He will have to draw up a schedule he feared that his life had gotten more complicated than it already was.

"I bow to no man," he turned back to the door and it opened for him. The club was back in full swing, he noticed mortal men who were making out with Succubi or each other.

He still thought that they were filthy creatures but it was better to keep his opinion to himself, Samael called from up the stairs. "This way."

Uriel climbed the stairs, would this be a good deal or will he have to play to Gadrial's heartstrings the normal way?