Christine and Lucian

"A gentleman indeed." She didn't know if he only said that to make her feel better. It was only working slightly, she was shivering.

That call had her shaken up, maybe she had to call the officer who handled her case to find our if Markus was still in jail.

This was the first year that she ever thought about Markus again, the first time when she and Lucian were getting it on in the kitchen.

The second time was now with this phone call, it was just so creepy and no one had this number, she made sure to only give it to people she trusted.

So the offer that Lucian made to walk her home was welcoming, but she still had Gadrial's warning in her head, 'Stay away from Lucian.'

Gadrial couldn't give her a reason to why she was supposed to stay away from him and the other thing was Gadrial didn't seem to have any memories.

She only got these weird feelings around some people she only met, Christine was still uncertain to where she fitted in this situation.

When she almost died in the accident, Gadrial had purposely told her to forget her or she would seize to exist, what did that all mean?

She didn't believe in reincarnation or any other religious believes. Her thoughts went back to where she and Lucian were in her kitchen.

He had questioned her beliefs then and that had made her angry, she had met a few people like him in her life who loved to walk with the bible under one arm.

They were always there to force their religion down your throat. That was the one thing she hated above all others, why can't they just care for their own souls and let her worry about what was between her and her own maker.

"Do you want to stay here a little longer?"

She blinked at him, she was drowning in her own thoughts. "Yes, just a little longer then I have to get him."

Lucian smiled, "You are starting your new job."

"Yes! And I can't afford to be late."

Lucian grinned and called the waiter once more, but Christine stopped him, "We still have a beer."

He blinked, "You might have but I am fresh out."

Christine knew this will get her into trouble if she drank more, but what happened to enjoy life a bit more? "Okay, fine. Get more."

Lucian whistled and the waiter was there instantaneously. "What can I get you?"

Lucian showed him his empty glass, "More beer, please." The waiter smiled, "Coming right up and for the lady?"

Christine nodded at him, "I will have one more too thank you."

The waiter disappeared and Christine downed her beer, "So Lucian, what is your favourite music?"

Lucian leaned forward, "I love rock and roll, and metal music."

So as she thought not the kind of man you want to bring home to your mother, he was dangerous but on the other hand, she loved that music too.

Markus was the one who opened her heart to the metal and she never looked back. The music had taught her a few things of life and lifted her up. It even got her through the court cases against Markus.

"Favourite bands?"

Lucian tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "That is a hard question but to name a few-"

The waiter returned with their drinks, "Will you be singing before you leave?"

They both looked up at the waiter, he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It is just, we haven't had music here in a long time. Most people are too invested in their phones these days," He gestured around the restaurant, "No one is talking."

Lucian and Christine took a look around, he was right no one was even looking at the person they are herewith. Was this where technology had taken humanity?

Christine looked up at the waiter, "I think Lucian here will give you song before we leave."

Lucian gazed at her, smart and beautiful. The waiter got excited, "That would be great! I wish that most young people were like you."

That was highly unlikely, some of the older generations were just as invested in their phones, no one ever went out anymore to have fun because they have to check their phones.

Well, that was only her opinion, she mostly left her phone in her bag. "You should organise a karaoke night or get some local bands to play here."

The waiter grinned, "I will speak to my manager that is a great idea!"

Christine smiled at him, no only logical. "And then you can have some food specials with drinks and maybe some competitions."

The waiter's grin widened. "Wow! Another great idea!" He turned to Lucian, "You are so lucky to have this lady as your wife."

Lucian had picked up his drink to take a sip and he spat it out at the waiter's words. "Oh, we aren't married."

Christine was as white as a sheet, he thought they were married? How ridiculous, she was never going to get married. Love hurts and getting married to someone only creates more problems between people.

The waiter blinked, "I am sorry, I just assumed that you to were together."

Christine brightly smiled at him, "Do not worry about it."

The waiter laughed nervously, "I'll go get the machine ready when you want to sing." The waiter left them and Lucian gazed into her eyes. "Why are you blushing?"

Christine snorted, "I am not blushing!" He leaned forward and trailed his fingers over her cheek, "And you are hot too."

She batted his hand away playfully, "You really suck at flirting."

He retracted his hand and placed it over his heart and his face contorted in pain, "That is a knife in my heart!"

She burst out laughing, "You are way too sensitive, so out with it what are your favourite bands."

Lucian grinned, "Why? You want to try and guess which song I will sing?"

Christine picked up her glass of beer and slowly brought it to her lips, "Maybe."

Lucian rolled his eyes at her, he hated that word. It was a simple yes or no question, why couldn't women give a straight answer. "Fine. I like the following bands, KISS, ACDC, Rammstein, Korn, Iron Maiden and Queen."

Wow, he was a bit old school but still, those are great bands. Lucian continued, "I like a lot more but those are the one I can name quickly."

Interesting, there usually are a lot of bands that one could like but only a few you will always return too. "Those are nice and old school bands."

"Are you dissing my bands?"

She shook her head, "I would never do that. I like some of them too."

He grinned, "I am just messing with you." He finished the rest of his beer and nodded at the waiter who was eagerly waiting at the stage. "Why don't we get out of here?"

Christine nodded, "Sounds good."

He stood up from the table, he had the perfect song in mind to sing, if she didn't feel it then there was something wrong with her.

Lucian walked to the stage and whispered in the waiter's ear, "I want to sing 'I was made for loving you' by KISS."

The waiter clapped his hands together, "Great song choice, sir." He turned from Lucian and clicked on the machine.

Lucian walked with confidence to the mic and grasped it in his hand, "Good Evening El Diablo!"

He got the crowds attention and a few people looked up from their phones, "I am Lucian and will be gracing you with a song."

The crowd clapped, Lucian smiled it was great to be on stage again, "I dedicated this song to the beautiful lady I am here with," He pointed in Christine's direction and she lowered her head as all eyes turn to her, "So please, enjoy."

He opened his mouth as the music began booming through the speakers.

*"Hmm, yeah

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Tonight I want to give it all to you

In the darkness

There's so much I want to do

And tonight I want to lay it at your feet

'Cause girl, I was made for you

And girl, you were made for me

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you baby

Can you get enough of me

Tonight I want to see it in your eyes

Feel the magic

There's something that drives me wild

And tonight we're gonna make it all come true

'Cause girl, you were made for me

And girl I was made for you

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you baby

Can you get enough of me

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can give it all to you baby

Can you give it all to me

Oh, can't get enough, oh, oh

I can't get enough, oh, oh

I can't get enough

Yeah, ha

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you baby

Can you get enough of me

Oh, I was made, you were made

I can't get enough

No, I can't get enough

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you baby

Can you get enough of me

I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me"*

Lucian closed his eyes and when he re-opened his eye the crowd was standing, they were cheering. He felt the sweat dripping from his hair.

It was great to have sung again, he felt his energy returning. He wasn't called the Angel of Music for anything.

*Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Steve Greenberg

I Was Made For Lovin' You lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc