
Uriel followed Samael and saw him waiting for him before the door. "Did you do that on purpose?"

Samael opened the door, "Did what on purpose?"

Uriel rolled his eyes, "Not giving me the password."

Samael waited for him to enter the door, "It had slipped my mind."

Uriel didn't believe him. He thought Samael planned it this way so he could show Lillith his strength.

Samael closes the door behind Uriel and they both faced Lillith. She gestured toward the table, "Well, sit down."

They walked forward and sat down as she had asked them. She spread her wings and then she sat down opposite them. Was this her way to show him that she was superior?

Uriel laughed inwardly at this, she had no power over him, "So why are you interested to make a deal with me, Lillith?"

Her smile disappeared from her lips, "Samael made a deal without me knowing."

Uriel turned his gaze to Samael, "Did he now?"

Samael smirked, "She is just being ominous. She wants this deal more than she is realising."

"Hold your tongue, Samael!" Uriel turned his gaze back to Lillith. "To me, he is speaking the truth or did you want to make the deal on your own?"

Lillith let out an irritated snarl, "You are both infuriating! Yes, I would like to talk to you on my own."

Uriel folded his arms, "Now talk."

Lillith slammed her hands on the table, "Do not take that tone with me!"

Samael sat back in his chair, now this will be a fun evening. These two are going to go into a power struggle for the rest of the night and not get to a conclusion.

"I will speak to you the way I want to! You haven't earned my respect yet!"

"Excuse me? Earn your respect? What about you earning my respect? I am much older than you!"

Uriel stood up and leaned across the table and glared at Lillith. "This has nothing to do with age, you just demand respect because you are a woman?"

Samael whistled, he was in for shit now.

"I am not demanding respect!"

"Yes, you are!" Uriel was getting irritated now, "You think because everyone knows your reputation the should quiver in their boots and bow down at your feet?"

Lillith hissed at him, "That is not it-"

"But it is the truth, " Uriel sat back down. "So let us talk."

Samael was laughing quietly, this was so good, he loved it when Lillith got knocked down a few pegs.

Lillith cleared her throat, "Fine! I want to strike a bargain with you, Uriel."

"What kind of bargain are we talking about?"

"I have come to believe that I love Lucian."

Have come to believe? That sounded like she was unsure. Samael opened his mouth, "No, Lillith. You are in love with Lucian."

She sighed, "Okay fine! I am in love with Lucian. Happy now?"

Samael nodded, "Extremely that has been the most honest you have been in centuries."

Uriel was only listening he was still unsure about this whole deal but he had given Samael his word that he would accept his deal so that they would help with Gadrial.

"So what do you want out of this deal, Lillith?"

She inhaled a big breath, "I want Lucian to be free from this thing he feels responsible too."

Uriel snarled, "Are you calling Gadrial a thing?"

Lillith glared at Uriel, "No! I would not insult the war angel, I mean this whole ordeal that he has to save the fallen and by doing that he has to be together with her."

"Then why didn't you say so?"

"Don't mock me, Uriel!"

Uriel smirked, he was getting under her skin and not in a good way. "I didn't mean to mock you. So we can make a deal, you help me win Gadrial's heart and I will make sure Lucian will fall in yours."

Lillith watched him closely, he seemed genuine enough but that still didn't hide the fact that he and Samael will break Lucian before he runs into her arms. "And how do you to do that?"

Uriel sat back into his chair, "We will have to keep them separate them entirely from one another and keep him preoccupied so he doesn't have time to think about her."

Samael chimed in, "The thing is we will have to break his spirit in doing so."

Uriel nodded in unison, "I agree that we would have to do that, but how to go about it is the question."

Lillith slammed her hand down on the table again, "I can not bear to see you break Lucian in that way!"

Uriel glared at her, "Then what do you suggest, princess?"

Oh he didn't just call her princess, did he? "I am not your fucking princess! I am just merely stating we need to come up with a better plan without hurting Lucian."

Samael rolled his eyes and Uriel followed suit, "That is the only way to break his spirit, and you will have to deal with it."

Lillith batted her wings, the signal that she was irritated at them, "And what if it backfires? Have the two of you thought about that?"

Samael and Uriel looked at each other, "We think that we know men a bit better than you do, we know it will work."

Lillith stood up from the table, "Fine, I agree to the deal." She turned her back on them, "Do either of you know where Gadrial and Lucian were this evening?"

"We do not know." They both simultaneously answered. A smirk formed at her lips, "I do."

"Then grace us with your knowledge, Lillith."

She turned back towards them, "My Incubi at El Diablo let me know that the two are having a date there."

So tome was already against them, Uriel felt the anger in his blood so if he hadn't come to this meeting he would have been the one sitting across from Gadrial?

"Do you have spies everywhere?"

She saw the anger that was in Uriel's eyes, so he was angry and jealous, how touching. She wouldn't lie she was just as jealous as Uriel, there was the love of her life and he was running after a fucking girl who was never meant for him.

"They are not my spies but my children, Uriel and it will be best if you showed them respect."

A shiver went down Uriel's spine, never come between a mother and her children no matter how much stronger you were, you will die shamelessly. "I will not disrespect your children, Lillith."

Uriel got up from the table, "Now that we are partners, even though we have our own goals let us work well together."

Samael stood up as well, he had somewhere to be. "I agree, let us end this war for everyone's sake."

Lillith just nodded at them, "You may leave."

They both exited her office and went down the stairs, the club was still going on as if nothing has happened a few hours ago. The snake creature or demon, Uriel couldn't tell opened the door for them.

Uriel walked ou and was spreading his wings when a hand fell on his shoulder. "You have a minute?"

He didn't really have a minute he wanted to go back home to see Gadrial. But she wasn't home yet because of fucking Lucian!

The other thing was that he was worried that his previous power was nullified and he would have to find a new way to rectify that.

But if he reunited Gadrial with her lost piece of essence it didn't matter if she remembered or not. She will surge faster and then his beautiful Gadrial would be back in his arms.

"What is it Samael?" He lowered his wings and turned to face him. "Why haven't you told Lillith you are the angel of death now?"

So Samael knew, he had guessed that he would because of him being a neutral and talking to spirits. "She didn't ask and I haven't brought it up."

Samael nodded, that was a good play to do. Lillith would do anything to get into the graces of power. "I have one more thing to add to our deal."

Uriel lifted an eyebrow, "Oh? And what is that Samael?"

Samael bit his lip, the best way Raphael has to survive Moloch would be to bring in someone stronger that can help him save her.

"I want you to help me save someone from a loyalty contract."

Uriel took a step back from Samael, "Are you insane? That person could die if that is broken."

"That might be true but- you are the Angel of Death."

Samael was insane how could he think that Uriel would be able to do that? Just server the bond? "What you are asking is blasphemy Samael."

Samael fell on his knees before Uriel, "Please, I am begging you! She is my everything." Tears were running down his face now.

Uriel licked his lips, the great Samael has a soul mate? He knelt before Samael, "If she means so much to you, I will try and help you."

Samael looked up at Uriel his tears were still falling, "Thank you, Uriel."

"Do not thank me yet, tell me her name Samael."

Samael breathed in, her name was in every fibre of his body when he closed his eyes she was all that he saw. He looked Uriel straight in the eye, "Her name is Raphael."

Uriel blinked at him, "Raphael?" The weapon changer? Now he didn't want to know who she belonged to. "Who has her loyalty?"

Samael let out a snarl, "His name is Moloch."

Uriel fell flat on his ass, Moloch? Moloch the liar? Moloch who was always in the shadows and damned them all? "Where was he?"

Samael's tears dried, "He works at the Angel War company."

Uriel got to his feet and spears his wings, "Are you fucking sure?"

Samael blinked, "I am why?"

Uriel took the sky, "I can not explain, we are in more danger them we have realised."

He had to get back to the apartment immediately! Gadrial was in danger.