Lucian and Christine

Some of the women in El Diablo were eyeing Lucian hungrily when he placed the mic back in the stand.

He raked his hand through his hair, it was sweaty and the women whistled, he had turned his gaze to some of them and blew a kiss.

Some of them were fanning themselves, he walked from the stage and their heads turned in his direction.

Christine felt a little jealousy towards the woman, but she had to agree that KISS song had her wet between the legs. There was a reason that rock and roll was called the language of sex.

Lucian stopped at their table, she looked up to him and he had a playful smirk on his lips. He offered his hand, the women in El Diablo eyes were on them, Christine blinked up at him she wasn't sure what he wanted her to do.

Lucian sighed inwardly, did he have to spell it out to her? He grabbed her hand and pulled her up, her chair fell backwards, his other arm was at her back.