
Gabriel called out her name, "Christine?"

He closed his eyes as he tried to establish a mental connection to enter her mind. This will drain most of his energy, he hadn't used this ability for a long time.


He kept calling her name, she wouldn't answer him but he had to keep calling her name or she would be lost. 

When he opened his eyes, he was standing on a beach. He blinked and felt sun rays on his face but they were weak and he couldn't feel their warmth. 

He looked right, it was night time on that side and there was a thunderstorm. The sign of memory altering magic, compliments of Uriel.

His blood started boiling, "I want to give him a beating all over again."

What could have happened that was so horrible that he had to wipe that memory from her mind? Judging by the storm that was still raging it was only covering up the memory and haven't erased it at all.