
Christine blinked, she was staring at a white ceiling. Her arms felt heavy and she was too tired to try and sit up.


She blinked again, there was someone here? Where was here exactly? She remembered that she was in Michael's office and then her world went blank.

Was this the office infirmary? But the voice sounded familiar to her. 

"How are you feeling?" 

A familiar face came into her vision and she smiled or she tried to smile. "Doctor Gabriel." 

"Ahh, you remember me."

"I do..." So she was in the hospital. That was thoughtful of her boss to send her here. With that thought she cringed inwardly, he was going to fire her for sure. On her first day, she was a total clutz and now she had a blackout.

That was not the way to start your first day at all... 

"So tell me how are you feeling?"

"It feels like I have been run over by a truck."