
Samael tried again to fly through the forcefield that was holding him back. But it was holding him in place, his wings flapped slower and he went a few spaces back. 

He gritted his teeth, "Gadrial! Let me through!"

He didn't know if she had heard him but the force field was gone in an instant. He blinked, what- He shook his head and flew straight towards the Angel War Company, he didn't know how long he would have to get Raphael out of there but he had to try.

He couldn't lose her again, he felt a sting in his head and looked towards his wrist, the tattoo that Lillith gave him was glowing. His blood started boiling, she had promised aeons ago that she would never use this method to call him again.

He ignored the stinging, "She can go to hell! I am done playing her errand boy."