
She wasn't happy with Samael at all, the fact that he was hiding something from her and she wanted to know what it was. "You still didn't answer my call, so who did you go and see?"

Samael let out a sigh, "Really, now Lillith. You just asked me about Gadrial's surge and now you are asking about shit that doesn't concern you."

Lillith's nostrils flared, he was right in that regard, she wanted to know more about Gadrial's surge and what had happened but... She wanted to force Samael to tell her the truth about the female Angel that she smelled on him, it was a scent that she did not recognize and it was the same as the day before. "You are aggravating me Samael. You should have come when you felt the surge but no, You had to fly somewhere-"

"I go where I please, Lillith."Samael felt the pain in his wrist intensify and his head was about to burst. He never learns, he should stop aggravating Lillith but it was in his nature to bite back.