Palace Of Hell

Nakir shook his head but nothing could draw him back from the memory that he continued to remember.

*They returned to the tower, not through her window which they flew out of but through the main door.

When they landed Nakir turned to Gadrial, "Just deny until he believes you, Gabby." Nakir said softly.

Gadrial didn't look at him and just nodded, he wanted her to look at him. He was worried at what might happen to her, the Creator had not looked happy at the fact that she gad flew out of the window and was on her way to Uriel.

"Gabby, please look at me," Nakir's voice was full of worry.

Gadrial lifted her gaze slowly at him, "What do you want me to say, Na'ir? I can not even trust my brother so who should I trust?"

Nakir's hand reach for her's and he clasped it tightly in his hand, "You can trust me always, I will always be there for you. No matter what happens, Gabby." He stated firmly.