Earth Plane

"Do you feel that?" Lucian asked Gabriel as he cleaned the last of his wounds. 

"I am... What do you think it is?" Gabriel asked, his powers were kicking in and he felt his body healing.

"It feels like a power that is defying how the natural order of things are working," Lucian stated and he turned to the window.

There was only one angel who could defy the power of the natural order; Uriel. His word had become law but this power was powerful and somehow deadly.

"I agree and I know where your mind went. You think Uriel is up to no good again." Gabriel stated and he sat up in the bed.

"Do you think that Uriel might have been telling the truth?" Lucian asked as he pulled the curtains of the window open.

The sky looked normal, there weren't any clouds that were hanging in the sky. Usually, when the voice of the Creator activated his power the sky would answer.