Realm of Earth

Michael clicked his tongue, he will have to play this by Uriel's rules then. He would have to make him see that he was telling the truth and that nothing would stop him from becoming friends with them again.

Well, not friends entirely... He will be having his own agenda to help him fix this problem that Moloch had created for him. He will help Uriel and the rest get his revenge on the sidelines.

He will not let Gadrial escape his clutches this time, he had waited for aeons to have this opportunity. So that he could end his private rivalry with her, she had taken everything from him, the Creator's respect, the man he loved and the respect that he got from the legions.

Since she had been created she was nothing more than a thorn in his side. He took in a deep breath and began running to the edge of the roof, if Uriel wasn't going to listen to him now, he might as well try and talk to Gabriel.