Palace of Hell

Nakir sat down in his chair, he was grinning like a cat. If his heart had still been in place it would have been thundering in his chest with excitement.

He wondered if Gadrial had returned to the room that he had taken her after she had vomited her guts out.

Would she be able to know which room that was? He crossed his legs, he should start his planning for he didn't know for how long he would be able to keep Uriel at bay.

Hell was not ready for the Angel of Death to return to its fire and brimstone. The Angel of Death would not be ready to accept that he was working for Hell and not Heaven.

"Baby, brother how I long to see your face when I tell you the truth," Nakir said out loud to no one in particular.

One of the reasons that Uriel wouldn't be able to match his power, so Uriel would only be able to set foot in Hell when Nakir let him in the realm.