Realm of Earth: Angel War Company

Raphael was glaring at the two male angels, they just knew how to push her buttons. She had come up with a small solid plan for them to infiltrate the company to save the she-demon queen.

"Are we going to stand out here all evening, or are we going to enter the company?" She asked in an irritated tone.

Lucian and Samael stopped laughing, "Oh come now, Raphael. We are only playing," Lucian said in a teasing tone.

"We haven't laughed this much in a long time," Samael chimed in.

Raphael rolled her eyes, 'These two men will be the death of me,' She thought inwardly.

"This is not the time for laughing," She said harshly.

"We need laughter," Lucian said and crossed his arms, "Or we all would go insane with all of this death."

Samael was nodding next to him, "I agree with Lucian. If we do not have laughter, what do we have?"