Palace of Hell: Gadrial's room

Enemies? How could there be enemies in his palace? If He was Hell's king, shouldn't he keep the demons in check?

"What do you mean you have enemies in these halls?" Gadrial asked with a confused expression on her face.

Nakir watched her, she would be confused, she didn't know the rules that had bound him to hell. She didn't know what had formed him in this fire and brimstone. 

How could she know? She only remembered that he had disappeared one day and she had been told that he had betrayed heaven. The one thing that an Angel should not do, was to go against his Creator.

The coup that Moloch had started since his brother had died by the Creator's hand, Nakir reached out to Gadrial once more this time she did not flinch or try to stagger from his reach as his fingers trailed her right cheek slowly.

"There are many things you do not understand, Gabby." He replied in a low voice.