Palace of Hell: Gadrial's room

Did she hear him correctly? Did ye just say that he had given his heart to Uriel so that Uriel could live? What had happened that day? 

Why did he have to give his heart to him? That heart which had calmed her so many times when her head had laid against his chest. That heart that when they flew had became her crutch when she wanted to be free from the tower. She couldn't detect a lie in his words, there was no small fib hiding somewhere in that sentence.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a surprised tone.

"You had one question, one question only and I have given you my answer," Nakir replied and turned his back on her.

"So you will not give me an answer for my follow up question?" Gadrial asked harshly, she was curious. She wanted to understand how this had come to happen.

"I am not going to answer you, I have given you my rules and answered your question with the truth," Nakir said softly.