Realm of Earth: Angel War Company

Raphael nodded, "Fine, I will wait for your explanation."

Samael nodded, "I promise that I will tell you everything."

Lucian sucked it in his sigh, 'Can we get this going?' He thought, he understood that there was a lot of bad blood between all of them.

They had been played against each other and not just against Samael or Raphael but every angel that they have met, it was a never-ending cycle that Moloch put in motion.

Moloch had made sure that none of them would trust each other like they had too, he had made sure that there was always a distrust between them.

A distrust that would take time to get them all to trust each other in a way that they should when they have realised that they have been played.

"I will hold you to that," Raphael said in a low tone.

"I know you will," Samael replied with a hint of smugness.