Earth realm: Graveyard

Uriel pushed the gate open, the spirit took a step back and he stepped through. "Are you afraid of me spirit?"

The spirit smiled at him, "Afraid? No, I am worried that you will exhaust your powers and everything for a she-angel."

Uriel stopped before the spirit, "She is not just any she-angel. She is my everything." 

"It does not matter how you say it, you are going to throw of the balance by being selfish," The spirit said in a low tone.

Uriel folded his arms, he didn't need to explain himself before this being. Hell, he didn't need to explain himself to anyone. He had justified his actions, he had stayed quiet for aeons as everyone had told him that he had to.

No, more. He will break free from all of this, he will not let the world define him and change his actions. He will take his destiny into his own hands and do what he thought was right.