Realm of Hell: Highest point where souls entered

"Defend your realm!" Gadrial screamed at Nakir, "He is your brother and you are denying him?"

Nakir watched her closely, he didn't need to defend himself. This was his realm and rules are rules, he will keep Uriel out as long as he wanted to, he would never let him in until he had could execute his plans thoroughly.

"I do not need to explain myself to you, Gabby," Nakir said in a soft tone.

"I think you do owe me an explanation Na'ir, none of your actions that you have displayed in these two days suggest that I can trust you." Gadrial snapped back.

Trust, that was the word he had heard a lot these past two days. What was trust? She didn't even fully grasp who she truly was, she had lost those memories as part of her curse that Uriel had contracted.

She had trusted him and look what Uriel had done to her, even if it had been a command from the Creator... He should have fought for her but, he had plunged his sword in her heart.