Palace of Hell

Nakir clenched his teeth, so the King tyrant had offspring. Who would have thought that the mighty Lucifer had a baby.

Before he could ask another question he felt his body vibrate, a message from above was tingling his kingly powers.

'Permission to damn a soul to Hell.'

Interesting, so the Angel of Death had made a connection. He closed his eyes, 'Permission granted.'

He turned from the demon rose bush and spread his wings, it was time to go and greet the new addition that had been sent to Hell.

He flew back to the highest point of Hell, 'Uriel learned quickly," he thought with a sigh.

He will still keep him out of Hell as long as he could, he would only give him permission when he was ready with his plan. He didn't want to urge his wings to fly faster, he thoughts were still running wild to what ye had found out.