Earth Realm

Uriel stood there with no emotions displaying on his face, he was bewildered about what had just happened.

He had just damned a soul to Hell without thinking about the consequences and that was not like him at all. 

He had always thought about the consequences before he acted, "What have I done?" He asked out loud.

A few of the spirits started to form around him, "Why did you do that?"

Uriel didn't turn to face them, he was too afraid to face them. He was afraid of what he had done, he was afraid of what he was going to become with this power that he was wielding.

"I am sorry," Uriel replied in a soft tone.

He could feel the spirits closing in on him, he could feel their ghostly aura rising. Were they going to hurt him? Were they going to banish him from the graveyards? He hoped it wasn't the latter, he needed the graveyard for the leyline so that he could try and open the gates once more.