Earth Realm: Angel war company

They were in, the were entering the doors of Moloch's company. There was no time for delays, there was no turning back. They will escape with Lillith or they will forfeit their lives.

Samael was doing this for Raphael, he wanted to save her from Moloch's evil clutches. Lucian was doing this for Lillith, who made his heart ache with so much emotions.

"Thank you, Hank," Rapahel repeated as the door closed behind them.

"I still don't think I should have done this," Hank said and crossed his arms.

Lucian and Samael stopped walking as Raphael turned around to face Hank, "You will not regret this Hank. Moloch will be very happy to find these new morsels to experiment on."

Hank took in a deep breath, Lucian could feel the tiny vibrations of his uneasiness. This man was still unconvinced that they were there for Moloch's pressure.