Realm of Hell: Gadrial

She sat on the bed, her energy was drained. She felt as of the walls were crashing in around her, her thoughts were with Uriel.

Sweet Uriel who had been trying to break in to the realm of Hell to save her. There was no words that could describe at how her soul was yearning for him.

'Maybe I should get all my memories back,' Gadrial thought.

She still had a lot of memories to get back, she had to get them all and maybe she would understand herself better.

Then she might be able to understand how the Angels around her was functioning and why they are acting the way they are.

How she had impacted their lives, how she had formed their thoughts about her but the only Angel that came to mind was Uriel.

She did not remember how their souls are connected, she had seen the memory how they first met, the memory that had got her into trouble for trying to go to him.