Realm of Hell

She had come to realise that there were beings here that want to see her hurt. Take Nia for example, she just did not want to see her hurt… She wanted to kill her out of a jealous rage because she thought that she was busy taking Nakir away from her precious hands.

"I have come to that same conclusion, Thoth that someone wanted to see me hurt or better yet- dead," She said in a mono tone and shrugged her shoulders.

"That is not funny," Thoth replied while shaking his head. He was in disbelief that she was taking this situation so lightly.

"It is not like I can do anything about it," Gadrial replied, this was true. She could not help the fact that so many people wanted to see her gone.

It was not her fault that she was what she was or how people saw her as a fret. She was just so tired to defend herself but she was not going to let Thoth talk to her and make her forget why she was actually looking for him.