Realm of Earth: Gabriel's Apartment

"I do not have to listen to what ever cock- and – bull story Michael has to tell us," Lucian hissed angrily at them.

Uriel grinned, he knew that there would be a hostile environment. Michael was not welcomed in to this circle at all. He turned to Michael, giving him a small shrug. There was nothing to say that would ease this situation.

Lillith let out a small sigh, "We have to listen to his story…"

"You can not be serious!" Lucian exclaimed next to her.

"I am serious, Lucian. There was another reason why I have gone to the Angel War Company," Lillith replied.

Uriel noticed that Lillith sounded tired, she was battered and he saw the small lacerations on her face and arms. She had been through Hell.

"Let us not stand around here, let us go to Gabriel and then we would be able to sort this out because I have some news to share."