Realm of Earth: Gabriel's Apartment

"That is an understatement," Lucian said and narrowed his eyes on Michael.

Samael did not know what he was supposed to do, he was not part of this war but he had a feeling that he and Raphael were going to get dragged into this business anyway.

"Lucian, let him finish his story. I am very interested as to what had changed Michael's cold heart and in all honesty I have never thought that anything might even melt that coldness," Uriel said in a monotone.

He did not want to display any emotion, he had his own story to tell and he wanted to do it before Lillith returned because she might not like what he had to tell them.

"Do not tell them…" Adam said in frustration.

'You will not stop me,' Uriel thought with a smirk.

"You will regret that…" Adam hissed.

Uriel ignored him, he was not going to let Adam get his way with him or anyone. He still felt bad that he had let Eve get on his nerves that had made Adam angry and damned her to Hell.