Realm of Hell: Semi truth

He would keep denying it, the voices that had tried reasoning with him. The voices tried to let him now that the something wrong he felt was because she was busy changing and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Lillith, tell me that it is not true," he said again, his heart was broken and he felt sorrow creeping through his veins.

"I wish that I could," she said softly, "But I have seen it with my own eyes. She is what they are claiming. She is a hybrid and walks in two worlds."

His thoughts were running wild; he parted his lips but-

"I am glad to see that all of you are still in one piece."

Uriel turned around and then his eyes narrowed in anger at Thoth, "You! You said she was fine!"

Before anyone could stop him he had hit Thoth squared on the nose, "You told me she was alright!"

Thoth had doubled backwards and his hand flew to his nose, which was gushing blood, "She is fine."