Realm of Hell: War has come

Uriel kept running, this was not like him. He would never run but he would always stay close by to see what happens. He was a bloody fool, and he would not blame the others for leaving him behind, they might even give him and earful.

'Where did they go?' He thought as doubt crept inside his heart. They had truly left him, after running for, he did not even know for how long, he turned his head back.

He could not see the house anymore and he gritted his teeth. He wanted to turn back, he wanted to go and help Thoth but if he turned back now...

"What should I do!" He screamed in frustration.

"You should keep running," a voice chimed in.

Uriel turned his head to the right and found that Michael was keeping pace with him. "How-"

"I turned back to see if you were following and I had almost lost any hope that you would but the I saw you coming..."