Realm of Hell: Making plans

Uriel, Michael, Gabriel and Lucian backtracked back to the house that they had left only a few moments ago.

Lucian stopped and he turned his attention to the sky, they had decided to walk rather than to fly and that was a good thing.

"Look at the sky," Lucian said in a demanding voice.

Uriel, Michael and Gabriel were a few steps ahead of him when they paused and a few gasps escaped from their lips. 

"What is that?" Michael was the first one to speak and Gabriel chimed in.

"I did not know that Hell could have storms."

"Hell cannot have storms," Uriel said softly and he felt a slight pain in his right eye.

Thoth had done a good job by hiding the Faustus contract, his eye looked normal to anyone who did not look closely enough.

"Then?" Lucian asked, "Is this storm created?"

'Uriel do not come back,' Thoth's voice filled his mind.

'Why? This is not your battle,' he said in alarm.