Realm of Hell: War

Lucian fell backwards out of the window. Luckily, he saw what the plan was and he free fell a few feet before opening his wings. Gabriel tightened his grip in Gadrial and he jumped from the window. She was struggling against him, "Let me go!"

Gabriel ignored her and he spread his wings before they dived head first into the ground, "I am not going to let you go."

Lucian waited a few feet in the air. "We should get going!"

Gabriel flapped his wings so that he ascended to Lucian's height. He was right, of course, that they should be getting back to the battle. Gadrial would have to see Uriel for they are the only ones who would be able to save the world.

"Where are we going?" Gadrial asked angrily.

"Have you not been listening? We said that we are going to take you to Uriel," Lucian replied next to Gabriel.

"I do not believe you," She snapped back, "I still think you are part of my imagination."