Phase Two

The sun was not even high yet. Strange to conduct battle in the middle of the morning but what could they do?

It would be easier than to fight Moloch's beasts in the evening. They did not know what power they held, for all they knew was that the one hybrid could render them paralytic.

"What is the plan?" Samael asked.

"The plan is to distract them long enough for Hell's army to arrive," Michael replied.

"Who is leading Hell's army?" 

"Lucian would be leading the army," Uriel sniped at him.

"Lucian? Why is Lucian leading Hell's army?" Samael asked, flabbergasted.

"Because he is the King of Hell," Gabriel said flatly.

Samael nodded to himself, apparently, a lot of things happened when he was preoccupied with Raphael's safety.

"Could we concentrate?" Uriel asked as the Angel War Company came into view.

"What is there to concentrate about? You basically have no plan." Samael said with a roll of his eyes.