New Plan

So much for catching them in a surprise attack. Uriel, Michael, Gabriel and Samael threw their hands in the air to grab their swords.

There were some of the people that ran screaming 'We have been infiltrated!' and others grabbed their guns.

"Whatever you do, do not get shot!" Michael yelled.

That was one thing they forgot about this era. The modern era did not fight with swords or armour, they fought with guns and bullet proof vests.

"We should have brought our armour!" Samael yelled as he dodged a bullet that came flying his way.

"Our armour would not have protected us against these bullets." Gabriel said and dodged behind the wall.

They were right, Uriel gritted his teeth. They had been stupid not think about how this would have gone. How were they going to survive this to hive Lucian time to come to their aid?

"Get the cell doors open!" One of the security guards shouted.