What does it mean to love? Is there a right way on how to love? Or does everyone just go after their own head and fulfill the definition of the love they think is right? Isaac was never good at expressing his emotions. That didn't mean he didn't love Logan.
Sadly, he didn't have time to think about this topic too much, it didn't really match his current situation. The man sitting in front of him leaned menacingly forward in his chair in the courtroom.
"You have a year to correct your mistake, Isaac." The other man said in a voice roughed up by cigarettes. Isaac tried to keep it cool. He considered that mistake to be the worst decision of his life. He was in the wrong circles. At the age of eighteen, he built a well-functioning drug network, it didn't seem like a risky job yet. Then, over the years, he had to intervene in increasingly filthy affairs, and this is how he got to get involved in human trafficking once. He was twenty-one years old and too sensitive for it. The abducted girl begged until Isaac let her go. He had to pay a huge price for it, both financially and physically.
Isaac instinctively stroked the scar across his face.
„I'm on the case. I'm still looking for the right person, but…"
"If you don't give us someone in a year, we'll take the boy."
„Logan?" Isaac swallowed.
"Have you forgotten that this was our agreement?"
„I do remember."
„365 days."
„I will find the perfect subject."
Isaac loved Logan. He was sure of that. But if he had to choose between his own life and his, he wouldn't hesitate. He didn't like it when the boy looked at him with those scared, sad eyes. He didn't even remember the last time he hadn't looked at him that way. Maybe Logan doesn't even love him anymore? Is that why he flirted with that boy in the bakery?
Isaac arrived late at night, but Logan sat silently on the bed, waiting for him.
„They're always so sad. Your eyes." Isaac growled. "I'm tired of you always bulging them so damn sadly. It's like you are the only one who has problems. You are selfish. I don't even know why I'm still with you."
„I'm sorry." Logan blinked in confusion. „Did something bad happen at the meeting?"
„Give me a break." Isaac snapped, and Logan crawled back. „You're take so much up from my energy and from my life."
„Isaac, please, there's no need for this."
„There is no need for YOU. You are good for nothing. I should just give you to the damned smugglers." Isaac grabbed Logan's arm and pressed him to the bed.
„This hurts! Stop! „The boy begged. To his greatest surprise, Isaac got off of him.
„Go to another bakery tomorrow morning. I don't want to see you near that boy."
Dan didn't live too far from the bakery. He was grateful for this every day he wandered home in the night. He inhaled the musty smell of the stairwell deeply before entering the apartment.
„I'm here!" He greeted everyone. He didn't know who was awake, but he didn't want to say hello to anyone, he didn't have the energy to talk. Only one person was an exception.
„Mom?"He entered a gray room. „Can we talk?"
„Come in, Daniel."The weak voice belonged to a woman lying in bed. The warm light of a lamp deepened her wrinkles on her pale, thin face. Her eyes lit up happily at the sight of Dan.
„How was the school?" Shee asked with a smile.
„Um… There was a small incident." Dan sat down by the bed and looked at her excitedly. „Can I ask about my life before the accident?"
His mother's face frowned.
„Of course."
„I'm sorry, I just want to know one thing." Dan folded his hands. „So… A pretty interesting thing happened today. A new boy came to our class who wasn't really… Nice. He thought I was imitating another Daniel McKenzie, so we had a little conflict. I don't remember ever seeing him. But that doesn't mean anything in my case. So… Do you know - or rather – Do I know a certain Logan Zakuro?"
Silence filled up the small room. Dan couldn't understand his mother's expression. Maybe she was troubled, maybe she was angry.
„Logan… Yes. You knew him. Me too. But I don't think I am the one who should talk about this. If you have the opportunity, talk to him."
"I don't think I was the sweetest with him today."
- Tomorrow he it opens up to you… Be careful, but try to reciprocate the gesture. You could even invite him over. I have something to talk to him about."
„Are you serious? You are just saying such an exciting thing and I can't know more?" Dan laughed in frustration.
"You better go to sleep, you have tiring days ahead of you." She reached for his face, then stroked him softly. "You know you can call me anytime if there's something wrong?"
„I know, Mom. Dan pressed a kiss o, his mother's rough hand. „Good night, thank you for helping."