See you tomorrow

Compromise. This is the most important thing in a relationship. And after all, Logan was in a relationship. Still, he couldn't restrain his body from shuddering at the thought of possibly bringing up a topic about Danny. The story was still a bit unclear, but Logan didn't have the courage nor the willpower to dig into it in four years. This wound was way too deep.

When he got home, he decided that he should lie. Isaac opened the door for him with a blank face.

„What are you doing here so early?"

„There are only 3 classes on the first day."

"Well, anyway. I'll meet Ryan in half an hour, do you want to come with me?"

„Yeah, I guess."

Ryan was man around the age of twenty-three, just like Isaac. His thin body was covered with by scars and bruises, yet his face always shone with happiness. He always behaved properly with Logan, it didn't happen any differently now. Although Logan hadn't gotten involved in the business he was doing with Isaac, Ryan was always attentive to him and respected him. He didn't get involved with Logan's and Isaac's relationship, nor did he ask about Logan's bruises.

On the way home, Isaac had a smile on his face as he reached out to Logan's hand. He stroked the boy's fingers tenderly. After saying goodbye to Ryan, they went to a nearby bakery to buy dinner there. A pleasant warmth greeted Logan and Isaac in the shop. Logan took a deep breath of the sweet scent of the bakeries, he loved this place.

The idyll did not last long due to an unpleasant surprise. Behind the counter, Dan McKenzie's surprised eyes blinked back at them.

„Logan… Hi." Dan said, a little offended. After a moment's hesitation, he picked up a shopkeeper's most essential accessory: a smile.

Logan looked at him up and down.

„I didn't even know you worked here."

„Well ... Surprise…?"

„Shouldn't you focus on studying?"

„Shouldn't YOU focus on your own business?"gave him Dan a sharp look.

„Okay, I don't even care to be honest. I would like to buy this, and this, and this."Pointed Logan to 3 types of cake.

„Seriously? These taste the worst." Dan grimaced as he put them up in a bag.

„Fortunately, I'm not buying them for you." Logan shrugged.

„And um… what can I give you, Mister?"Danny looked at Isaac

„Nothing." He replied blankly. Logan paid, then said goodbye to Dan and walked out.

„Who was that?" asked Isaac.

„A classmate of mine." Logan replied boredly.

„Do you like him?"

„Are you crazy?" With that, the man pushed Logan against the wall aggresively, grabbed the boy's T-shirt's neck with one hand and yanked it so hard that Logan couldn't even breathe.

„Do you like him?" Isaac asked again. His face was so close to Logan's that the boy could feel his hot breath on his skin.

„No!" The boy snapped, then tried to wiggle out of the hold.

„And should I believe that?"

„Yes! Let me go! We are on the street, you know that…"

„Who do you belong to?!" The question caused goosebumps all over Logan's body, he felt dizzy, like he was abour to throw up.

„… Yours." He finally answered. His boyfriend didn't let him go. Millimeters separated them only, Logan couldn't help but gasp nervously.

„Uhm… Logan?"

As Logan gazed to the side, Dan looked back at him in surprise.

„What are you doing here ?!" pushed the man away Logan, turning to Dan.

„I work here…?" said Dan with one eyebrow higher than the other. Logan looked around. It was then that he realized that they were barely a few meters away from the bakery when his boyfriend attacked him.

„Oh. Indeed." He laughed in confusion as Dan sighed.

"I don't want to know what you are doing, but could you do it a few more meters away? It does no good for the bakery's reputation if… If… You guys… Make love here..." As soon as he said it, he regretted it. First only because he knew he used his words badly. Second, because Logan delivered a well-aimed punch to his face. Dan staggered back a step, trying to recover from the pain and the shock

„We didn't "make love." Something was in my eyes and he wanted to help. By the way, he's just a relative of mine, his name is Isaac."

„Yeah, I get it." Dan massaged his aching face. „Asshole. You hit me!"

„You deserved it."

„Okay, it doesn't matter." Dan rolled his eyes wanting to add something, but Logan was ready to leave.

„See you tomorrow." Logan grabbed Isaac's hand and left in a hurry"

„Unfortunately." Danny murmured. He knew he had said the wrong thing. Very wrong thing. Not only did he mistakenly assume something, he even used it in a bad context. However, Logan's move was still really cruel.