I Thought I Lost You!

"I hate you, Kang Dae-Hyun!" Ah-Yeong's voice was muffling up as she had started to cry again. She quickly wiped her tears and stood at the entrance of her parents' house.


It had already been six in the morning but Sang Hoon couldn't have a proper sleep. When he got out of his bed, he directly walked out of his room in the hopes of running against Ah-Yeong. But his hopes died the moment he saw that the room was dead silent and empty.

"Will you really not come?" His mouth blurted out and he walked back to his room sulking.

After thinking that Ah-Yeong was no longer going to come back, Sang Hoon decided to not go for work today.

Ah! Such a fool he was... Wished he had taken leaves of this kind and spend some time with Ah-Yeong, rather than going to work and coming home late while keeping her all alone.

'She was bound to find another man when there was no contact between us.' Sang Hoon thought to himself and laid down on the bed. He no longer felt hungry or lively enough to go and wash himself. All he just wanted to do was sleep and wait for her.

If that was POSSIBLE!

And an evening passed with Sang Hoon doing nothing except sulking in his room.


At night time, somewhat around eight, Ah-Yeong exited out of her car to walk inside her house.

Ah-Yeong didn't go to meet her parents. She just drove back to her house because she felt that she should apologize to Sang Hoon first. She couldn't understand why she even thought it that way and as to why, she even bothered coming back to the place which she so much wanted to run away from?

Just as she closed the door after her, she was pushed back due to a sudden hug from someone. Thankfully there was the door behind her otherwise, she would have now been lying down on the floor with the person hugging her on top.

Her heart thumped louder as she inhaled a fragrance which she had felt on the day she decided to leave this house. As she felt the person's face rest on her back, Ah-Yeong was blank.

She turned around to see only to feel soft lips touching her forehead while mumbling "I thought I would never get to see you again, Ah-Yeong."


Sang Hoon who was just trying to take a proper rest had heard a sound from the main door and so, he immediately rushed out of his room only to see Ah-Yeong stepping out of the car and closing the door.

He thought it was all just a dream and so, he rushed towards Ah-Yeong to hug her.

That letter had drained all his strength, his happiness and he didn't know what to do.

But today when he saw her after waiting for almost a day and half, he really thought it all as a dream. He couldn't make out whether it was reality or a dream. And so, he just wanted to make sure if it was not a dream.

When he felt her through his hug, a smile came over his lips as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I thought I would never get to see you again, Ah-Yeong." He said while kissing her on her forehead and taking her into a tight hug again.

"Just don't go leaving me like that again, Ah-Yeong!" He whispered through her hair and pushed her to an arm length to check if she was okay or not.

While Sang Hoon was examining her, Ah-Yeong looked at the tears which were falling down his cheeks. Didn't know why but her heart clenched to see this and she immediately used her hand to wipe his tears.

"I'm sorry!" As Ah-Yeong realized what she said, she covered her mouth with her hand. She started crying after seeing him cry and hugged him back.

'Why am I doing this?' She asked herself inwardly but she didn't find any answer.

Ah-Yeong was reluctant on doing this but it was as if her body didn't listen to her and just acted on its own. Sang Hoon held her tightly in his arms and said with a cracked voice "I thought I had lost you, Ah-Yeong. I felt like I really lost you."

After that it all became silent. Ah-Yeong could only hear the sound of muffled cries. Whatever it was, she liked it. After what happened last night, Ah-Yeong really was in need of a warm and cozy hug. Although, this hug was different, she just needed something warm to calm her broken heart and Sang Hoon's warm embrace was working out for her.

It had maybe been two minutes when she felt the weight on her body exceed. Due to the sudden weight, her back touched the door.

"Are you... alright?" She asked only to hear a snore from Sang Hoon.

A small chuckle escaped from her mouth and she somehow dragged the sleeping Sang Hoon onto the sofa. Now that she saw his face from up close, she noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

Considering his reaction and his sudden deep slumber, she realized that he hadn't been sleeping properly for a while. Sang Hoon really was heavy for a slim, light weighted woman like Ah-Yeong. She stretched her arms and squatted near to him.

"You know... I..." Hearing another snore coming from Sang Hoon, Ah-Yeong cut her words and adjusted Sang Hoon properly on the sofa. While she was keeping his hands on his stomach, she noticed that his knuckles were bruised.

She had no idea whatsoever caused that but she quickly walked to the kitchen and bought the first-aid kit. Slowly, she cleaned his knuckles and applied some ointment with a cotton.

When everything was done, she walked inside her room. She felt like a fool doing such things to a man she just wanted to leave. 'Why did I never examine him this closely? Why did I never open up to him?' She again asked herself while closing the door behind her.

Maybe if she had thought about him and not Dae-Hyun, then maybe... things wouldn't have come this far. She wouldn't had to cheat on her husband, at all!