He Had Come

Da-Jung reached the hospital for having a conversation with her mother and explaining everything. However, before she could see her mother, she met the doctor to ask about her father's health.

She was glad to know that her father can be awake any time soon. She was just joyous. She hurriedly rushed to her father's room to meet her mother and say the happy news but stopped by the door after witnessing her mother hug her father and cry.

Da-Jung felt bad for answering back at her mother. Just like how she was crying, her mother was also crying. Now that Da-Jung thought with a calm mind, she remembered the pain of losing her child and then compared it to her mother's pain.

Her mother was also feeling the same thing about her. She just didn't wanted to lose her only daughter to a man whom she once got her daughter to get married to.

With stealthy steps, Da-Jung walked inside the room and hugged her mother from behind.

"I'm sorry, mom! I'm really sorry for doing this to you."

Her mother turned around and hugged her. She patted her head and ruffled her hair.

"I'm sorry, dear! I should have understood you then itself. Maybe I should have also said that Yang Woo-Jin had come looking for you after divorce. But I was afraid that you would go back with that man and maybe… forget about us."

"Woo-Jin came? When? Why did you not say me?" Da-Jung was really surprised to hear that from her mother. She was also hurt that her mother didn't say anything to her about it. Da-Jung had thought that if her father was against Woo-Jin, atleast, her mother would support her but…

She also didn't allow Woo-Jin to meet her.

"When you had gone for a checkup, Woo-Jin had come here… He asked me about you and I said that you didn't wanted to meet him."

This sudden statement came as a shock to her.

"Why Mom? You knew that I was desperate to see him, right? Why did you say that?"

She started crying and shook her mother by her shoulder. "Atleast… you should have told him that I was pregnant… why mom?" Da-Jung couldn't even shake her mother by her shoulder and ask. She could only rest her head on her mother's shoulder and cry.

"Your grandson would have been alive if you had told him about my pregnancy, Mom!" Da-Jung mumbled while sobbing on her mother's shoulder.

"I didn't know that it would turn out like this. I thought you would be happy without him…" Da-Jung's mother lifted her hand to pat her daughter's back. She felt bad to see her daughter cry upon thinking about her past.

"I would have been happy with him, mom! I am not at all happy now. Even to this day, I carry a burden on my chest." She wanted to shout and scream but her mother's face made her stop.

Da-Jung moved to an arm's length and stared at her mother who was crying like her. She wiped her mother's tears and stood straight.

"Don't think about anything. I'm okay now. Just smile… The doctor told me that Dad might wake up soon. He wouldn't like to see you cry. So just don't cry!" She tried saying things to distract her mother.

And her mother was distracted with a smile on her face. "Really? He can wake up soon?"

Da-Jung nodded and hugged her mother.

"Don't think about me now. Just focus on Dad!" She kissed her mother on her forehead and turned around to leave.

So what if her mother had sent Woo-Jin away, she couldn't possibly be angry at her own mother who gave birth to her and took care of her.

Da-Jung took the peeled orange from the fruit tray and said to her mother "I will be going out for a while. If Dad wakes up, call me!" With the orange in her hand, she went out after her mother nodded.


Pacing back and forth in front of Woo-Jin's house, Da-Jung took out her phone and messaged Woo-Jin.

"Open the door! I'm standing outside your house." Da-Jung texted Woo-Jin and again starting pacing back and front outside his door.


Woo-Jin was disappointed that Da-Jung had some work to do and that she couldn't come along to the place he wanted to take her. So, he also didn't go. Rather, he tried to distract his mind by doing some cleaning and cooking in his house.

He was wearing a blue apron and baking some sweet chili chicken wings when a notification popped up in his phone. He kept the wings inside the oven to bake.

After setting the timer to 30 minutes, he read the message and then checked the time in his phone. It was 9. "Why did she come at 9? I said her to come at 8… perhaps, she wants to go now?"

Thinking it like that, he immediately rushed to the door to open it.

And there she was!

Woo-Jin smiled as brightly as he could upon seeing her. He wasn't feeling happy at all today and seeing her standing in front of his doorstep, made him smile.

"You said you had to be somewhere, right? It is already an hour past 8…" Woo-Jin scratched his head, shyly and took out his phone. No matter what he said, Da-Jung didn't move nor did she stop staring at him.

"Wait! You perhaps changed your mind? Let me see what I…"

Da-Jung snatched the phone from Woo-Jin's hand. It was just stupid for her to come here but now that she came, she didn't wanted to go back. She needed some answers after all.

Woo-Jin tried snatching the phone back from her hand but Da-Jung kept her hand behind and asked "Why did you not tell me that you came?"

"What?" Woo-Jin was dumbfounded by her question. No, he was confused about what she was referring to. Questions started rising in his mind and he looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Why. Did. You. Not. Tell me. That. You. Came?" Da-Jung emphasized on her statement and entered inside. When Woo-Jin held the same puzzled expression on his face, she asked the same question again while poking her index finger on his chest.

"Why did you not tell me that you came?"

Woo-Jin held her hand which was poking his chest and asked with the same puzzled expression "What do you mean? Just what are you talking about?"