We Both Are At Fault!

Da-Jung let out a sigh and walked past Woo-Jin. She looked into his kitchen and saw the countertop which was messy. She scoffed as she realized that this man was eating while she had just lost her appetite.

Heck! The orange which she took in her hand from her father's fruit tray, she couldn't even eat that and gave it to someone. And yet, this man over here was cooking and enjoying the time of his life.

She faced him and Woo-Jin was still standing there with the same questionable look on his face.

Da-Jung let out a suppressed smile and walked towards him. "I'm talking about the day when you came to meet me at the hospital and my mom said that I didn't wanted to meet you. Did something click your mind now, Mr. Yang?"

"Ahh! That!" Woo-Jin closed the door behind him and scratched his neck. "It is all in the past… why think about it now?" He nonchalantly replied and tried to walk to the kitchen.

However, Da-Jung pulled him by his hand and asked "Past? You say that it is all in the past?" She couldn't believe that he would reply so casually to something like this.

Okay, if her mother said that she didn't wanted to meet him, he could have tried coming again… at another time, could he not? Why did he just go back after hearing what her mother had said?

Did he not know that her parents disliked him and that they would do anything to make their daughter stay away from him?

"It never bothered you that someone who begged you to go back together… would immediately say that they never want to see you? Does it even makes sense?"

Da-Jung let out a sigh and made Woo-Jin stand opposite her; face to face. "You know, I just thought… that you will say something like… you regret not coming again or something like you are sorry but you saying that it is all in the past… haha! I just feel like a fool!" Da-Jung laughed. She started laughing so bad as if she was a maniac.

Seeing Da-Jung in such a state, Woo-Jin was pitiful towards her. He felt guilty but he also felt that it was wrong for Da-Jung to put all the blame on him and act as if she didn't do anything; a perfect innocent soul with no bad remarks, something like that.

Letting out a sigh, he lifted his hand and slapped her.


A tight sound of slapping resonated in the room and Da-Jung stopped laughing and stared at Woo-Jin with disbelief.

She had a 'how-can-you-slap-me' kind of look.

She felt angry but rubbed her cheek and calmed down because she didn't wanted to change the subject. She wanted to know the answer to her question as to why, he didn't try meeting her again; instead, waiting for four f*cking years?!

"Enough, Da-Jung!" Woo-Jin rubbed his temples to decrease the headache which was rising up due to the activities happening around him, lately.

He was shocked that he slapped her that hard but he was also glad that he atleast made Da-Jung come back to her senses. Otherwise, she was just acting like a maniac who lost her entire world.

Looking into her deep brown eyes which held a roller-coaster of emotions, Woo-Jin felt like embracing her into a hug. He had hit her so bad and of course, that was unexpected to her and hurt her, too!

"I'm fed up of you blaming that the entire fault is mine, Da-Jung…" Despite of his throat choking on his words, Woo-Jin tried to speak.

Although he stuttered and mumbled a few words, he delivered the message what he wanted to deliver to Da-Jung.

"Then whose fault it is? Some outsiders, huh?"

As Da-Jung retorted with anger, Woo-Jin shook his head and rested his hand on her shoulder. "Not outsiders but yours and mine fault."

"My fault?" Da-Jung scoffed and threw his hand away from her shoulder.

"Yes, your fault… Had you not kept on going to your parents asking money for this furniture, money for that thing, money for your studies and what not… your parents thought that I was not providing you a comfy life. And that was why they thought of me as a lowly man who only mooched off of his wife's money.

And then there was me… who thought that I only loved your money and it would be easy to leave you when I gained every penny from you and gave up just after not being able to meet you once.

You, me, your parents… we all are at fault for our marriage to crumble down like this.

I think…"


The oven made a beeping sound and Da-Jung looked in the direction of the kitchen again. She then, looked back at Woo-Jin and sneered.

"Enjoy your meal, Mr. Yang!"

She pushed Woo-Jin aside and left his flat.

"I did a mistake by coming over here…"

Woo-Jin heard Da-Jung's heartless remark and he closed the door after him. If he had the audacity, he would have rushed after her and made her explain. But after all that what he said, he no longer had any words which would come out of his mouth.

He walked to the kitchen and took out the baked wings from inside. Although, the wings looked super delicious and were perfectly baked, Woo-Jin no longer had an appetite so, he kept it on the countertop and left for his room.

Later when Da-Jung was going to sleep after having a long annoying day, Woo-Jin's words rang in her mind and she thought about it for a while.

She remembered the time when Woo-Jin was against her to go to her parents house to get money for the master bed, yet Da-Jung went and got the money. Because Da-Jung had bought the bed, Woo-Jin was angry with her and for the first time, they had quarrelled.

If not for Woo-Jin's parents being there, their fight would not have subsided for days because both Da-Jung and Woo-Jin were stubborn.

Same like this, there were many instances that might have hurt Woo-Jin and his pride. Da-Jung felt like she should have taken responsibility for her actions then and maybe things wouldn't have crumbled down.

As she realised that she was the major one at fault, she felt ashamed of herself.

Da-Jung had gone so proudly to Woo-Jin's home asking him the reason for why he didn't try to meet her again but now after realising that she was the one who was mostly at fault, she just felt like digging her own grave and hiding there.

She rubbed her temples and thought of something that could be done. When she thought things through, she laid down on the bed and went to sleep.